View Full Version : Still In Panic Mode

21-12-09, 11:53
Well, my last appointment with the physiotherapist was Thursday. For over a week she decided to try to treat my arm problems from the standpoint that it's my neck causing the problems. It didn't work. She said that this was her last ditch attempt at trying to get my arm better and if it didn't work she was sending me back to my doctor. She agreed that something neural was going on but we were just not discovering the cause. Great.

This past week I was sitting watching tv one night when suddenly I was hit with really bad wheezing in the right lung and started coughing. The coughing lasted throughout the night and continued into my sleep .. or I should say my attempted sleep. After that I developed a bad pain just below my collar bone when I tried to take a breath. The coughing is gone but the wheeze and pain haven't. I now have myself convinced that I have a lung tumor that's growing and it's the cause of all my arm problems. I diagnosed myself with a terminal illness and it terrifies me. My doctor prescribed sleeping pills to take twice a week but I've been taking them every night because of my nerves.

I've decided to go to my doctor's today due to my lung symptoms. I have a CT scan of my lung due to take place in January. I don't know how I'm supposed to cope with the worry until then. I also don't see the Orthopedist until January either. How can a person survive with all this anxiety going on.

22-12-09, 19:46
I am so sorry you are going through this right now. You are not alone, we all can relate to some measure. I don't have an answer as to how to totally cope as I have more bad days than good. Talking to someone usually helps me as does watching a funny movie, some light exercise or reading a good book. I hope this helps and please feel free to post whenever needed.