View Full Version : Health Anxiety Ruining my Life

21-12-09, 11:54
Hi all,

I can't seem to overcome my health anxiety. It's torturing me.

My heart is beating irregular and fast, I have numbness, a pulse in my head and scalp, and I'be had a toothache for weeks but I'm afraid to see the dentist. It's all getting on top of me.

I've read all the books, I'm trying to face, float and accept but this feeling of being embodied in a palpitating, ill-at-ease body is scaring me.

I don't Google it's just always there - can anyone offer words of advice?


21-12-09, 15:34
You sound like me at times! I know the feeling - this health anxiety can totally run your life. Other than the toothache your symptoms can all be attributed to anxiety - I know what a struggle this is!! What had helped me is getting on medication - at least I can function....

21-12-09, 15:55
Thanks barbn.

I have been prescribed tranquilizers but the side effects scared me so much I didn't take them.

I was prescribed beta blockers but was worried they'd stop my heart.

It's wearing me down.

sarah jayne
21-12-09, 15:58
i know how you feel as i feel the same. My life is hell because of my health anxiety, everyday i worry im going to die because every day im ill and in pain. It seems neverending....x

21-12-09, 15:59
Hi there, I know how you feel. I don't Google either. It's best if you steer clear of it.

Do you know that irregular, fast heartbeat is one of the main and most common symptoms of anxiety? And that it's far more likely to be that than anything else? Where is the numbness? Your arms? That's anxiety too. I'm not sure what you mean by a pulse in your head and scalp, but judging by your other symptoms that's likely to be anxiety. Toothache probably isn't anxiety, but at least it's nothing serious! What is it about the dentist that scares you?

When I feel overwhelmed I try and write down everything I'm thinking and feeling and then I work through each worry, proposing a solution for each one. Then I put the list away in a box and do something else.

You'd probably be feeling better by now if you weren't worried about it. I know that's not much help, but it's true. Treat yourself to a drink of hot chocolate or something, watch your favourite TV program, remember that this forum's always here if you want to talk, and try and distract yourself.

Another tip is to not drink caffeine containing drinks, and this includes Coke. It makes palpitations worse and can cause them.

22-12-09, 14:05
thank you Ireni.

22-12-09, 14:42
i have just wrote a very similar post under H.A! Apart from the toothache u have described me to a t. I cant cope anymore, its been this bad since stephen gately died all day everyday stressing and anxious. Even thought that although im worried about death at least this wouldve all stopped, cant do it anymore.

22-12-09, 15:40
i too know how you feel ,,, im constantley worry about my health and fear im gonna die and i too can take meds couse im to scared they will harm me ,,,, ive just been excepted for cbt and to be honest im hoping this will make things better couse they cant get any worse ,,,, speak to your gp and explain how its effecting your quality of life and ask them for a referual to cbt or councilling ,,,,, if you need anyone to talk to hun message me anytime ,,, ive been gooing through this for 10 years so ive pretty much been through evey sensation it can through at us xxxxxx

04-01-10, 15:33
Are there any good books?