View Full Version : Anxious in the morning

21-12-09, 14:30
I am on week four this week but find myself waking feeling anxious. (Like I did before the pills!) Will this eventually settle down?

On 20mg of citalopram. What does an anxiety attack feel like on the pills or do you just not get them? Feeling a little anxious today about all these things!! Just worrying they not going to work for me....I so want to be anxiety free and not worry the same! It rules my life.

21-12-09, 15:56
Once the side effects die down the medication should take the edge off anxiety/panic. I don't think it "cures" it for most people though. Only you can do that through self-help and talking therapies.

Waking up with anxiety is pretty common and should improve as the medication starts to work.

Unfortunately these things take time, so hang in there.

08-04-10, 13:04
week 4 here and the same wake up anxious at the moment but i know it will get better