View Full Version : obsessing over high blood presure

21-12-09, 15:29
Just wondering how people cope with worries about having high blood pressure. mines been good till last night took it got anxious and kept getting high. cant shake it off yet didnt sleep as well last night and feel anxious in the stomach and burning pain again left side chest and arm. been taking antacid been good tiil got anxious. anyone?

21-12-09, 15:45
I'm not an expert but it depends what you mean by "high". Anxiety can obviously raise your BP, so there's that factor too.

If you're having pains I think it's wise to get yourself to a doctor just to be on the safe side though.

21-12-09, 15:53
yeah ive been and had test they said my heart is fine. and pressure been fine these past days only last night.