View Full Version : anxious & agitated

21-12-09, 15:44

Im often going on this site reading the forums for info Im worried about different things, I suffered from extreme anxiety and panic attacks around 13 years ago, I could barely leave the house my life was a constant wave of anxiety. I had congnitive councilling and took propranalol

All these years on I now feel pretty much in control and back to a normal way of life, but I think once youve had anxiety/panic attaks the feeling never compleltly leaves you. You just find it easier to recognize and cope with until it feels normal.

Lately I have been feeling quite anxious again, in really busy spaces with loud music, like shopping, or when its quiet at work and theres not much to do. Im feeling of kind of built up agitation inside me, like a heigntened anxiety and find myself gulping when I speak, or feeling I just cant settle and feel calm. This is quite different from how my anxiety was years ago when it was more just worry and panic attacks.

Im even quite apprehensive leaving this post as Ive never written on a forum before!

But Hi again and if anyone has any tips on how to deal with the agitation and feeling so on edge and nervy especially in the mornings, Id love to hear them?....


21-12-09, 15:57
Hi mazy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-12-09, 16:08

Thanks Diane:)