View Full Version : SH*t i saw it coming but couldnt stop it

21-12-09, 17:17
what a bad day....and knew it was coming...

the doctor messed up prescription on friday so had to wait a whole weekend (meaning i missed tablets) ...the weekend wasnt to bad and managed to cope quite fine.

But i woke up tis morning, ended up snapping and shouting at my wife for absolutley no valid reason. she went out to give me space as we agreed was a strategy for coping at home. But i was feeling so angry and tense i just wanted to stop it...in the fridge was 2 beers from the weekend , which i drank by 10AM which i washed down 4 sleeping tablets....i just wanted te anger inside my to stop. . it doesnt make sense and i feel bad for doing it but i had the time i just wanted to escape the guilt and anger.

is this just a relapse or should i go back to the doctors?

22-12-09, 20:01
overdosing on sleeping tablets isn't a way out but i.m.h.o you should go to your doctor and tell them of your mood changes. I have borderline personality disorder and get the same sort of anger but I am bi-polar too so have the racing thoughts and deep depressions. The more you go to your doctor the more he/she will pull strings to get you the help/medications you need. Btw, since the change in medications I feel less angry. Good luck!