View Full Version : i just feel self destructive...

21-12-09, 18:11
its been a shit day and i feel like i just want to go out and get drunk. ive thought about mixing it with my medication and hope the pain goes away.

someone please help

21-12-09, 18:23
Awww it sounds like you're in need of some support.

Firstly, most likely getting very drunk, especially with medication involved, will increase your pain rather than taking it away. You probably won't die, but will be very uncomfortable and sick in hospital and will regret it.

It's probably dark and quite likely icy where you are, which is unfortunate, because I find going running can help with self-destructive thoughts. I hate running but it uses up excess energy and makes me hurt without causing damage. But on ice it probably will cause damage.

What's happened today to make you feel like this and what kind of pain is it? Physical, emotional, a mix? Try talking more about it here or calling the Samaritans and talking to them about it :hugs:

21-12-09, 18:23
Please don't do that - by all means have a couple of drinks to relax but don't even think about mixing the meds - nothing is ever that bad - and I mean nothing!! Where there's life there's hope - you obviously feel absolutely miserable but you won't always feel as bad as this. If it gets unbearable then phone the Samaritans - they are there to listen to people at the end of their tether. Give yourself some time and breathing space. Everyone feels low at times but self-destruction is not the answer. It's comfort and reassurance you need. Have you no-one to talk to at home? Please speak to your doctor as you sound as though you need more help. You shouldn't have to feel as low as this in this day and age.

21-12-09, 18:25
That's really not the answer. Everyone has bad days but the good thing is that it'll pass and tomorrow is another day. We have to accept the ups and downs in life.

I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow.

21-12-09, 18:29
Hi there

I'm really sorry to hear you are feeling so bad.

I am going to post a link here where you can get more help and advice.


I really hope things improve for you soon

Take care