View Full Version : I'm new..

21-12-09, 18:36
I'm deb. I don't have ocd, not sure if this site is strickly for that... I do feel depression often, if not every single day. I have many upsets in my life at this point. I would love to be able to talk to someone about them as I don't really have anyone in my life that I can speak plainly with. Not sure what more to say in an intro...so I'll stop here. Hope that this site helps me cus I am not sure I can take on much more worry or fear... Thanks for reading this and I hope this will become a site that can help me. :)

21-12-09, 18:37
Hi bed

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-12-09, 18:47

You'll get lots of support and reassurance here so you've made a step towards feeling better. Lots of people here will have felt like you do so you're not alone. You're completely anonymous so you can even discuss things you can't talk to your family or friends about:hugs:
Myra x