View Full Version : Christmas private chat area for all tohse alone on the day.

fozzy is crying
21-12-09, 22:01
Hi Everyone,

It seems lots on here are going to be totally alone on Christmas day. Well that does not have to be the case. I am setting up a private chat room for anyone who is in that position. If you want to join in and enjoy the day all yyopu have to do is private message and include an email address so the link and invitation can be sent to you. Please only ask to join in if you are totally alone. My alter ego is Fozzy Bear so you will have to put up with growning at Fozzy's bad jokes. :roflmao:


21-12-09, 22:05
It sounds a very nice idea Gordon but don't forget the chatroom here will be open on Christmas Day. :)

21-12-09, 22:05
Hi Gordon,

I'm fortunate enough to have my family at Christmas, but that is very thoughtful of you to do that for others. I'm sure you'll give each other support. I'm always aware that Christmas isn't a happy time for everyone and many people are happy to see it all over with. I hope you manage to have a nice Christmas and wish you all a happy, peaceful New Year.

21-12-09, 22:07
Why don't you just use the chat room here?

fozzy is crying
21-12-09, 22:09
To access the chat room on here requires at least 5 days membership and is open also to all mine is purely for those alone and will be well moderated by strict need criteria of having no one at all to turn to bar a TV for company. Those with MSN and Skype access in severe need on the day will also get my contacts on there for direct support.

21-12-09, 22:16
Lovely ideea:D

Kaz x x x :hugs:

fozzy is crying
21-12-09, 22:17

Monty Python fan obviously.


21-12-09, 22:22
You say:

Please only ask to join in if you are totally alone

Why is that?

21-12-09, 22:24
I would also like to ask what you mean by 'Private' chat room! If it is a chat room then it is not private!!

fozzy is crying
21-12-09, 22:26
Well I say for those only totally alone as it is hardest for them but if you feel you can spare the time and help me with it then I would be pleased for you to join in as well and offer as much help and support to these poor unfortunate people at a very difficult time.


21-12-09, 22:32

We would NEVER see anyone who is alone at this time without support and understanding.

We have requests on a daily basis from people who need to use the chat room for genuine reason and where we see fit, access is granted immediately.

We would never see any member suffer when they seek support and understanding so i can assure you, there is no need to set up a 'private chat room' when we have a very decent 'public' one that is full of lovely compasionate, understanding people.


22-12-09, 08:10
to these poor unfortunate people at a very difficult time.

Thanks but I dont feel poor or unfortunate. Keeping away from the family sounds like bliss to me.


22-12-09, 09:19
i would just like to say that if its just for people who are totally alone then that is not fair as many people have people around partner or children etc but still stuggle alot and feel alone ...
this anxiety/panic/depression is an awful thing and no more panic welcomes EVERYBODY!
there is nothing wrong with the chat we have...
i for one shall be around christmas day evening in chat for those that are struggling or just want company...
i know i shall be needing support this year and there is no where i would rather be than here.

Desprate Dan
22-12-09, 11:10
I think it was a nice idea Fozzy and i can tell you are a caring man who wants to help others who will be alone at christmas it must be awful to sit on your own whilst everyone else seem's to be playing happy family's, i really is a lovelly kind gesture but like others have said we can all go into chat and no one will be refused entry, i have never been in chat but i might pop in to tell a few christmas cracker jokes...

Merry Christmas to you all...


22-12-09, 22:49
I don't feel like a poor unfortunate person, but my OH is working Christmas morning until 1pm. So I will be alone and on here in chat if anyone would like to join me, be they alone, single, or just available for a few minutes.

23-12-09, 00:07
I will certainly be around Christmas day. I will be going to my Mum's who lives close by to cook dinner for everyone. It will be a struggle for me to try to put my "normal" head on for my family, but believe me I will be back in chat to destress and be with friends as soon as I can! :)

fozzy is crying
23-12-09, 00:27
Hi #lisa,

I fully understand that but there is a five day wait for new memnbers to use the cahtroom and some muight not qualify in time. I only offer this as an extra lifeline and will use it with hlep form the site chatroom service as well for extra supoort.


We would NEVER see anyone who is alone at this time without support and understanding.

We have requests on a daily basis from people who need to use the chat room for genuine reason and where we see fit, access is granted immediately.

We would never see any member suffer when they seek support and understanding so i can assure you, there is no need to set up a 'private chat room' when we have a very decent 'public' one that is full of lovely compasionate, understanding people.


23-12-09, 00:35
Fozzy, if anyone is alone , the mods will give them instant access to our chat room.

Why don't you come and join us here? Personally, I'd rather stay on nmp where I know how the site works and who people are than try to make new connections elsewhere. I'd hate to think that we were going to be split between places. nmp has fantastic resources and wonderful members. Do spend Christmas with us!

23-12-09, 01:11
I think some people are being a little bit harsh in my opinion.

I think Fozzy has gone out of his way to help people in a similar position to himself and as far as I am concerned I think that, that is lovely. Thank you for the suggestion Fozzy.

What I will say is, there are many methods of talking to people on NMP, remember there isn't only the chat room, but there are PMs too. And maybe a thread can be started on christmas day, Fozzy, and the people who you are reaching out to can maybe post on the thread. The reason why I am talking about all the things on NMP, is that some people feel extremely secure at a website like this, and it can be difficult to venture away from it.

Take care everyone,

Chrissy x

23-12-09, 23:25
People are more than welcome to create a chat 'support' room elsewhere. That was not my point.

My point was...if we have members of this site who are in need of support before their chat room access is due to being, and they are a genuine member then of course we will consider granting them early access. It's not a case of 'qualifying'...it's not an interview process.

Fozzy...you're a very kind and considerate person and my intention was not to offend you.

Myself and other Admin will be here over the holiday period so if we can help in any way, then please feel free to pm one of us and we will help to the best of our ability.

Take care

fozzy is crying
23-12-09, 23:42
Many I did do just that as I have not yet had my 5 days on hereand it was turned down.


Fozzy, if anyone is alone , the mods will give them instant access to our chat room.

Why don't you come and join us here? Personally, I'd rather stay on nmp where I know how the site works and who people are than try to make new connections elsewhere. I'd hate to think that we were going to be split between places. nmp has fantastic resources and wonderful members. Do spend Christmas with us!

24-12-09, 00:34
You joined on the 18th so sometime today you should be able to access the chat room :)
Because it is done by the system after the 5 days I believe it opens chat access exactly 5 days after you joined time wise.
It's great that you want to help others.

24-12-09, 07:03
sounds good

24-12-09, 07:50
Fozzy your heart was in the right place. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas.

25-12-09, 15:50
Im all alone today, no one is in the chat room though so don't know where to go to find someone to chat to...

I had christmas yesterday with some family but i feel upset today since im completely on my own, I thought i would be ok since we did the family thing yesterday but i'm not because when i think of what everyone else is doing today, it's upsetting.
it doesnt help that theres naff all on tv either, i should be ok once Corries on at 7pm, just dont know what to do until then...

25-12-09, 16:49
Im all alone today, no one is in the chat room though so don't know where to go to find someone to chat to...

I had christmas yesterday with some family but i feel upset today since im completely on my own, I thought i would be ok since we did the family thing yesterday but i'm not because when i think of what everyone else is doing today, it's upsetting.
it doesnt help that theres naff all on tv either, i should be ok once Corries on at 7pm, just dont know what to do until then...

People have been coming and going throughout the day, guess you tried at a time when everyone was eating or doing the washing up.

Try again later, there should be some of us on.

25-12-09, 16:59
There is, those of us avoiding the washing up!

fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 17:39
http://www.chatzy.com/348103467674 if you canot get in direct to my chat room there. PM me you email address and will email you an invite to link you in.


25-12-09, 19:47
Fozzy you have chat access and i have been here most of the day and no one has contacted me for chat access so i really see no point in you posting an additional chat link.


fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 19:55
Hi Everyone is complaining no oine is in chat rooms but when you and I tell them we are there they do not bother. Still perhaps they do not have the need and are enjoying the day. Or at least I hope they are.

At least we are giving those who need company not to feell alone the chance of it.

Having said that. Many have Skyped me instead as they just wanted a short or sometimes private voice to listen and talk to.

I think my Skype link is visible on my profile. Anyone is free to ring it.

Merry Christmas and love to you all.
