View Full Version : Incredible pressures in face following a cold

21-12-09, 22:17
10 days ago I got the worst cold I have had for years and my nose streamed mostly left sided for 7 days - I also felt quite alot of pressure in centre of face. My husband has also got it but a few days behind me and my friend had this cold 4 weeks ago. 3 days ago my nose stopped running and just gunk going backwards but nothing nasty or multicoloured:) but the feeling of intense moving pressures in centre of face behind nose and eyes and also left side of face is awful plus the back of my head neck and shoulders ache. I also feel a bit dizxy when I move my head suddenly. My friend said she felt so ill with this cold and she had the terrible head pressures and pain and neck shoulder aches and she said this lasted for about a week after her nose stopped running.
Becasue its xmas week and no dr for quite a few days I am going tos ee Dr tomorrow as I am worried I have a sinus infection - my friend said hers got better itself but she was very worried while it lasted and felt really ill with it BUT I don't want to take antibiotics if I don't have an infection as its only about 6 weeks since I had some for an absess BUT on other hand haven't the courage to wait and see like my friend did.
Help what do I do????? My husband thinks I should just wait and see but I know that if I do and it gets to xmas and I am no better I will panic like mad over the holidays but again if I get antibiotics I will worrya bout taking them as well:mad:

margaret jones
21-12-09, 22:32
Hi Country girl

Sounds like sinus probs i suffer these after even a slight cold

I use inhalations of menthol crystals and olibas oil this helps and stops the need for antibiotics sometimes but occasionaly we need antibiotics .

Hope you are soon feeling better and have a stress free christmas Take Care Margaret

21-12-09, 23:01
Hi sounds like a sinus infection i suffer from these a lot . The lightheadness and face pain are common for a sinus infection. hope your feeling better soon .

22-12-09, 03:34
my mum get's lots of sinus infections and always see's her doctor and he gives her nose spray and antibiotics.
if you tap around your nose, under your eye's and between them, if it hurts its a sinus infection.
sorry to hear you have a cold.

22-12-09, 04:28
Hi , so sorry to hear your situation. I also have a cold and I know its probably in my sinus' also. I am actually waiting for results of a ct scan of sinus. I went for this because in sept. i had a cold , took antibiotics for sinus' and my nose was plugged pretty solid to the end of october(and my ears). I was just wondering why you said if you had antibiotics that you would worry about that then. I have a medication phobia and it takes a whole lot for me to take them, but the fear of a sinus infection going bad was worse than taking the antibiotic.,so i caved and took them. Once i take the first one, i'm usually okay.Its not the swallowing of the pill , its whats in them i worry bout, what is it for you?Hope you feel better soon.