View Full Version : migraine/dizzy spells

21-12-09, 23:40
Hey, i've been feeling weird lately and i'm becoming really scared and anxious about it.

I have a really bad migraine where my head is just pounding and i had the same on friday and i feel a bit sick with it as you shouldnt get migraines this often. i'm terrified i have a brain tumour. i have also been getting dizzy spells recently.

Can anyone relate? could it be a brain tumour? any advice?

Please reply
Love Louise

fozzy is crying
21-12-09, 23:53
as a lifelong migraine sufferer of over 60 yearsI do not think you need fear. See your Doc ASAP ths fom of migraine is common and easily treated. To put your mind at rest ask them to do blood pressure checks and arrange a CT Scan.

Blood pressure isthe most likely cause and T scan will be clear.

Just had same myself.
