View Full Version : Really scared.

22-12-09, 01:47
I took my first dose of Prozac about 3/4 hours ago ( only 5mg. ) and now I'm so freaked out I'm going to have an awful reaction and it's going to kill me.
Reassurance is much needed ): I have a big phobia of meds. but I know they're much needed I just can't get over the possible side effects.

22-12-09, 16:44
Personally I think it's sensible to be wary about taking medication too easily, but I'm so cautious I won't even take pain-killers. Having said all that, I have had to go back on to prozac in order to function at a reasonable level in my everyday life.

As you are phobic about taking medication, you may find that you need additional support - possibly counseling? You know that you are on a low dosage, and so the side-effects (which will be temporary), should be minor or may not even affect you. At a higher dose, I only suffer from drowsiness and even that wears off as my body adjusts.

I hope you start to feel better soon.