View Full Version : Weird Feeling

22-12-09, 06:49
Hey guys,

Just when you think you are feeling ok a new symptom arises. Today im freaked out by this feeling im getting at the top of my nose like a pressure feeling there. Its not painful its just a pressure feeling every now and then. Its at its stongest after i exercise which worries me. Have you experienced this? its at the sides and top of nose and between eyes and it juse feels really weird. Im on bp medication Ramipril 2.5mg once daily but yeah ive never felt this until today.


22-12-09, 19:43
It sounds like it could be sinus pressure. I get something like this, during the cold months. good luck

22-12-09, 19:53
Hi ya, yep I know what you mean as I get this too, espically when I am really freaking out. Feels like the top of your nose is going to explode, then it goes as quickly as it came. Get this quite a lot. x

25-12-09, 03:46
ive started getting this a lot. im happy to see im not alone. it comes and goes, but it only started as it got really cold