View Full Version : got dentist this afternoon, cacking myself now !!!

22-12-09, 13:30
had an abscess last week and have been taking antibiotics for it, got to go to the dentist this afternoon to have the tooth pulled and im now feeling pretty scared about it :weep:, im not actually scared of the dentist or injections but my mrs said to me the other day that the anesthetic has got adreneline in it which obviously concerned me a little, so being the fool that i am i googled it :doh: and have found things about people having terrible reactions to it moments after the injection and having really bad panic attacks !!!! im going to ask the dentist to give me an injection without adreneline or ephedrine but i've now got it into my head that whatever he gives me might make me have a really bad panic attack !!! don't really know what i want to hear but just need a bit of reasurance and need to get it out my head that im gonna have a bad time, its very frustrating :mad:

22-12-09, 13:42
When I go to the dentist I ask for the injection without adrenaline and last time I had it I was fine. I also asked for half the dose too.

22-12-09, 14:07
cool cheers, is there anything in the non adreneline injection that can cause panic attacks ???

22-12-09, 15:52
How did it go? I got a non adrenaline injection last year and was fine, nearly had a PA but that was just my fear of dentists! Great dentist though and was fine. Hope it went well


22-12-09, 15:59
Hi Robbs,

Yes, I'd ask for the injection without adrenalin, that's what I do because of previous problems with palpitations after having had it with adren. I always feel that the dentist is never as bad as we think it's going to be: treatment nowadays is so much better than it ever was. I hope you get on okay. Keep us posted.

22-12-09, 17:07
well i went

i told the dentist that i get pretty servere anxiety and panic attacks and asked for the injection without adreneline and they said no !!! they said they can't use it on a back tooth extraction :weep:, they asked what im like when i have a panic attack so i told them well i dont start running around like a freaking out or anything like that and that i just get withdrawn but that i overbreath and hyperventilate etc, but to me the fear of having one is far greater than anything else and the compulsion to avoid one (especially if i think its gonna be a really bad one) outweighs everything else, they said the only other option is to go to hospital and have a general anesthetic :ohmy: which scares me even more !!! at that point i just wanted to leave as i was feeling pretty frightend by then so the dentist filled the tooth with some sedative filling stuff prescribed me some more antibiotics incase it flares up again and told me to think about it over xmas so i left, im really annoyed with myself and wish i could just go through with it :mad: its a pretty simple thing that thousands of people have done everyday but i've got it in my head that extra adreneline on top of the adreneline that surges through my body everyday as it is will give me the biggest panic attack i've ever had so i dunno what to do ????

why oh why did i google it :doh: i know not to do this and i've scared myself so much more than if i'd just had it done and got through it probably would've.

22-12-09, 17:25
I have had both typed of injections (adrenaline one was for a tooth extraction) and honestly was totally fine. During the tooth extraction my primary concern was wondering how I had ended up with a grown man pulling a piece of me
out of my head with pliers. Afterwards I understood that any panicky symptoms could be put down to the extra adrenaline and strangly enough that made
me much calmer than I had been for a while. At least you can think about it over Christmas, good luck with it all, I am sure it would be fine if you went ahead with it.


22-12-09, 17:31
yeah hopefully i would be fine

its reading this thats scared me the most

i know all he had was probably a panic attack and if i had one it may not be as bad cos im used to them, its just something about what he's written and what it felt like to them thats really scared me.

22-12-09, 17:36
Dont beat yourself up - you're only human - yes thousands of people get things done at the dentist every day, but also there are thousands the world over who have a fear of the dentist. Lots of people don't like adrenaline in the injection. I don't mind the dentist but felt it was a coincidence that my heart was racing and legs very weak every time I had the injection. It was my dentist himself who told me some people are allergic and doesn't give me it now. The last few treatments I've had no injection. In your case it's unfortunate where the tooth is but what I'd say is that if you are already very anxious then the adrenaline injection probably won't make you feel any worse. And the extractions themselves are quick and painless nowadays. Let us know how you get on.
Myra x

22-12-09, 18:00
go to your doctor and ask for seditives!!!
I get worked up and anxious at the dentist so I take a seditive and it really helps!
as for the injection? I have had many a tooth fixed and never noticed a reaction to the injection!

Cell block H fan
22-12-09, 18:28
had an abscess last week and have been taking antibiotics for it, got to go to the dentist this afternoon to have the tooth pulled and im now feeling pretty scared about it :weep:, im not actually scared of the dentist or injections but my mrs said to me the other day that the anesthetic has got adreneline in it which obviously concerned me a little, so being the fool that i am i googled it :doh: and have found things about people having terrible reactions to it moments after the injection and having really bad panic attacks !!!! im going to ask the dentist to give me an injection without adreneline or ephedrine but i've now got it into my head that whatever he gives me might make me have a really bad panic attack !!! don't really know what i want to hear but just need a bit of reasurance and need to get it out my head that im gonna have a bad time, its very frustrating :mad:

Why are you even googling it & looking into it? My 14 year old son had the same thing earlier this year, abcess, antibiotics, then a week later the tooth out. It all went fine, no problems & he now doesn't have tooth ache!
He has to go to the Orthodontist in a years time to maybe have a brace fitted to bring the back teeth back into line because the back ones will now close in either side of the one he had taken out? Then he will have to have a bridge to fill the gap. But he takes everything in his stride & lets them get on with it. Us HA sufferreers look into things waaaay too much x

22-12-09, 19:04
Why are you even googling it & looking into it? My 14 year old son had the same thing earlier this year, abcess, antibiotics, then a week later the tooth out. It all went fine, no problems & he now doesn't have tooth ache!
He has to go to the Orthodontist in a years time to maybe have a brace fitted to bring the back teeth back into line because the back ones will now close in either side of the one he had taken out? Then he will have to have a bridge to fill the gap. But he takes everything in his stride & lets them get on with it. Us HA sufferreers look into things waaaay too much x

i googled it cos my mrs told me that the anesthetic had adreneline in it and cos this concerned me i googled it to find out, and it just so happend that i came accross the thread that i posted first which freaked me out, so in a fret to find something else to make me feel better about it i found more and more about people having panic attacks after having the injection :doh:, and hell yeah we seriously do look into things far to much when i was younger before i got anxiety nothing like this bothered me at all grrrrrrr drives me mad.

22-12-09, 19:12
go to your doctor and ask for seditives!!!
I get worked up and anxious at the dentist so I take a seditive and it really helps!
as for the injection? I have had many a tooth fixed and never noticed a reaction to the injection!

haha i also have a massive fear of medication/drugs lol, i've had anxiety/panic for 15 years and the only meds i've ever taken for it is 1 beta blocker,

think im just gonna have to man up and get it done or find a dentist who's prepared to do the precedure with the anesthetic without the adreneline in it.

main thing im worried about is overbreathing !!!! heart palps etc dont worry me to much but its just the thought of not being able to breath and not be able distract myself from it whilst i've got a blokes hands in my mouth and feeling like i cant breath, also worried that it may give me such a bad panic attack that it might take me weeks to get over it again like when it first started and when the hyperventalation started and again like a 2 years ago when i got bad again :weep:.

Cell block H fan
22-12-09, 19:23
i googled it cos my mrs told me that the anesthetic had adreneline in it and cos this concerned me i googled it to find out, and it just so happend that i came accross the thread that i posted first which freaked me out, so in a fret to find something else to make me feel better about it i found more and more about people having panic attacks after having the injection :doh:, and hell yeah we seriously do look into things far to much when i was younger before i got anxiety nothing like this bothered me at all grrrrrrr drives me mad.

Your misses should know better then! Its no wonder you get so anxious! :hugs:
Robbs...Dizapam would be ideal for a trip to the dentist. I'm Emetaphobic, hate being sick, & I dont mind taking those, they dont make you feel sick, just completely chill you out. A few on here have said they took them before a medical procedure. x

22-12-09, 19:42
Robbs...Dizapam would be ideal for a trip to the dentist. I'm Emetaphobic, hate being sick, & I dont mind taking those, they dont make you feel sick, just completely chill you out. A few on here have said they took them before a medical procedure. x

cheers but see my last post before this one :D

Cell block H fan
22-12-09, 22:15
cheers but see my last post before this one :D

The link? I wont click on it. If there's any chance its to do with dentists & meds, I would rather not know it, I might need a tooth out in the future & learnt from experience long ago to not look for problems that are too rare to worry about. I'm definately a candidate for 'a little knowledge is dangerous' LOL :blush:

22-12-09, 22:42
sorry, yeah best attitude to have, i often cannot restrain myself so well lol, i didn't mean the link i meant you said take a diazipam and i said see last post i wrote on this thread meaning where it says i also have a massive fear of meds/drugs and in 15 years of havin anx i've only ever taken 1 beta blocker, so getting me to take a diazipam would be a pretty mean feat lol.

Cell block H fan
23-12-09, 08:29
sorry, yeah best attitude to have, i often cannot restrain myself so well lol, i didn't mean the link i meant you said take a diazipam and i said see last post i wrote on this thread meaning where it says i also have a massive fear of meds/drugs and in 15 years of havin anx i've only ever taken 1 beta blocker, so getting me to take a diazipam would be a pretty mean feat lol.

Oh thats a shame, they are brilliant. Yeh I used to be terrible for reading health stuff, my mother in law gave me a health encyclopedia, years ago before the net this was, & I ended up in a right state.
These days I dont even buy womens magazines like Take a break, Chat etc, I used to love those every thursday they came out, but I cant read about sick people & them dying because I end up 'having the same disease'! Its mad :lac:

23-12-09, 12:28
I always have the injection without the adrenaline too and when I asked my dentist why they mainly use the one with the adrenaline she told me it was because it's more effective, so I guess that is why your dentist is unwilling to pull a tooth without the adrenaline. I would rather have a bit of pain and not have the adrenaline in the injection, although until 7yrs ago I had no idea there were different kinds of injections and had always had the one with the adrenaline and obviously wasn't aware of it at the time. I think phoning around to ask for a second opinion on this is a good idea as my experience is that dentists vary tremendously in the way they treat patients. Good luck with it :hugs:

23-12-09, 12:36
maybe ring up a few dentists and ask them if they will do the procedure without adrenaline?
the pulling of the tooth only takes a few seconds so that goes pretty fast.
you maybe hear a cracking sound which is not very nice.

23-12-09, 13:45
the dentist i saw was the proper nhs emergency dentist but i'm gonna ring round a few others see if i can find one thats do it without adreneline, dont care if i gotta pay more just want it sorted.

23-12-09, 15:03
Some dentists are just more confident and competent at doing dental work than others in my experience. Over the years I've had both NHS and private dentists tell me I had to see someone at a dental hospital to have a tooth taken out because for various reasons they were worried about doing the job themselves, but I always found someone local who was able to take on the work. I'm sure you will find someone :hugs:

23-12-09, 17:09
I understand how you feel Robbs.

I had been on diazepam but havent had any since May this year. I used to take them before I went to the dentist and it does really work - just calms you right down.

With regards to the hospital. Its not a GA, its heavy sedation, I had it done a couple of weeks ago, where they pulled two teeth out. And to be honest I really dont remember much about it. I have to go back again, where they will do all the fillings in one hit. Had to go this way as I was so frightened. But I do agree with another poster on here, alot of it is to do with confidence in your dentist. Still got work to do though on the teeth.

Good luck