View Full Version : Is H.A taking over your life?

22-12-09, 14:35
How does everyones H.A affect them? Mine takes over my life completely! Every morning i wake up i wake up with chest pain. My day then is spent anxious and stressed thinking in going to die that night. Now ive got chest pains and a numbness/feeling in my right forearm and my fingers feel little tingly which im worried is connected to my heart.

Ive been to the doctors numerous times over the years and have always been reassured but its not happening anymore, im reassured until i get the next pain, palpitation or 'sensation' in either arm.

I really cant cope anymore, im sick and tired of obsessing day in day out over ever pain i get and feeling so anxious for the rest of the day. Is this just me?

anx mum
22-12-09, 14:41
hi mel know how u feel hun im the same totelly took over my life with me its headaches, numbness, dizziness. Just want 2 b well

22-12-09, 15:34
yes it does but we have to try i do everyday its very hard ,,but what else can we do but ,keep going xxxxxx

22-12-09, 15:36
I worry about everything. At the moment I'm full of heath anxiety I feel broken or ill. Just feel bagged up and tried with little sleep. Had a panic attack where I went white in the shops today again.

I feel like there's some impending thing wrong with me..without googling and searching I'm just generally worried about my heath and feelings in general...anybody else had feelings like this? :blush:

22-12-09, 15:48
At the moment I am obsessing about my health, weird sensations in my chest are convncing me I am going to collapse any second, it is getting to be a hour by hour existence right now. This cannot and is not a healthy way to live our lives, just sick of being scared and anxious. Every sensation is sending me to the edge, sometimes i lose it and break down other times i am stronger and keep going, my partner is wonderful but sometimes I just cant cope.


22-12-09, 16:20
Health anxiety completely takes over my life, i worry about my health constantly.
I also find that my h.a can get so bad it then brings on the depression.
I am trying so hard to be upbeat and cheerful at the moment for the kids so as not to spoil there xmas, but i am finding myself crying at the slightest thing, i just wish it would all go away.
I do have good days where i can brush the h.a off and get on with my life and other days when i cant do anything other than think about it.
Every thought i have is a What If, what if i have this, what if that happens to me.
It drives me mad.:shrug:

sarah jayne
22-12-09, 16:23
Its completly took over my life. Everyday i wake up in pain and every day i worry that im going to die....

22-12-09, 20:18
Hi Mel

I am exactly the same, the 1st thing i do when i wake up is think whats wrong with me, i think the worst all the time, its usually heart related (thats what my mum died of 7months ago) but now i have a thing about swine flu, i have a cold coming and neighbour has just been diagnosed with it, so i am flipping abit, i am on sertraline and they have been working but i am obviously having a blip.. time of year. i just want to go back 1 yr when everything was fine.

22-12-09, 23:07
My health anxiety has it's good days and it's bad.
At my worst, I feel that at any given moment I am going to drop dead.
I have severe anxiety about my heart and when I feel even a little twitch of flutter, it can send me right into a panic attack.

Because of that then I get into high anxiety for days to follow where I feel dizzy, off balance and weak. It's horrible but we all just need to try our best to get on with it.

I always think, what if i live until I'm like 90, and look back at my youth and remember that I wasted it on worrying that I was going to die... i'd be so disappointed.

23-12-09, 08:43
I agree Ella Jayne, my days are spent worrying about dying that night, so we are not living our lives at all! Because we have had these symptoms for so long, we know deep down that we havent got what we think we have!

Ive tried ignoring muy symptoms which i can throughout the day, but come night time when im going to bed, i panic and need to go through my symptoms to see if its safe to sleep!! My symptoms are chest related too, chest pains and palpitations and now a numbness in my arm.

It really is awful and i dont think the doctors appreciate how disabling and distressing health anxiety actually is.

Mel x

Cell block H fan
23-12-09, 11:27
Yes ive had periods of time before where HA takes over completely. I function, I have to as I have kids, & I sort of go onto auto pilot. But whilst its happening, its like I am really on another planet. The feeling of dread & like its all completely hopeless.
When I come out of that particular period of HA, its like ive woken up from some ind of bad dream. But am back to normal again. Somewhere it seems so long ago I was. If that makes sense.
As the years have gone on, its got better. You would think it would get worse with age! But I think I hit rock bottom a few years ago, was pretty much suicidal with it all, that it really couldn't get any worse, it could only really ever get better!