View Full Version : Hi everyone :-)

22-11-05, 21:26
Hi everyone, I've just signed up to no panic as I don't feel I can tell any of my friends or family about the problems I've been having.

When I was 16 I had my first panic attack. It came out of nowhere, I was just walking along and all of a sudden I had an overwhelming sense of fear and that I was going to die. At first, the attacks only happened every now and again, but every time I got one I started to worry more about it as I didn't know what was happening to me. I ended up convincing myself I had a brain tumour and I was going to die. I went to doctor after doctor explaining what was happening but no one seemed to understand. I had brain scans and they all came back clear but I was still convinced something was seriously wrong with me.

In the end I found it so hard to go out of the house for fear of dying that I missed a lot of school and missed all of my AS Level exams. This meant I had to take a year out as I wasn't allowed to continue my A Levels until I had done my exams.

I managed to go to college the year after and I am now at university. But the anxiety is still there. Sometimes I can deal with it and get on with things but the last few weeks have been awful. I had one of my worst panic attacks ever a few weeks ago and ever since its been getting worse and worse. It's got to the point now when I haven't been to uni for 3 weeks and I've barely been out of my flat in the last fortnight. Last week I was living off bread and cheese and a few other things as I was too scared to go out to go shopping. In the end I was forced to do my shopping online!

I'm in a constant state of anxiety and even the thought of going out makes me feel terrified and I get terrible headaches.

I'm so fed up with it all, I'm losing friends as I have to keep making excuses why I can't see them and my coursemates just think I can't be bothered with going in to uni.

I'm 21 now and should be having the time of my life but I can't.

So sorry to blabber on but I'm really just looking for some advice and reassurance that I'm not going crazy!

Is anyone else out there that's been through something similar to me?

Looking forward to hearing from u all :-)


22-11-05, 21:46
Hi Bex and welcome, first of all Id like to say you will find lots of people will come along and tell you they have been or are in similar positions, have you consulted a dr recently for this, there is so much help on offer out there for you, you are right , you should be having fun, but first you need some help, you sound like you ahve overcome so much before so can do it again, take care and hopefully you will get lots of good answers.AND you are not blabbing, we are here to help and listen.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

22-11-05, 22:44
Hi Bex

A big warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

23-11-05, 00:14
Hi Bex,

Firstly welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

By staying positive and not letting the anxiety get you down really does help. You have to remember all the symptoms we get from anxiety cannot hurt us, and if you can stay strong and not let them take you over, they will start to ease off.

It is a hard thing to do and you really do have to remain focused, and it is very hard at first, but it does get easier I promise.

feel free to pm me if you ever need a chat.

Take care

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-11-05, 01:06
Hi Bex,

I too have health anxiety and i know how much hell it can be. You are not going crazy I can assure you. It does get better and you can beat it.

Have you seen your GP? I was put on prozac which has helped me overcome it.

All the best


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

23-11-05, 08:36
Hi Bex and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too!:D

Take Care



23-11-05, 09:57
Hey everyone, thankyou so much for replying to my post. It's so nice to know I finally have somewhere i can share my feelings with people that actually understand where i'm coming from! I've always known it's been down to anxiety, but now i can put a name to the problem. I have health anxiety which leads to agorophobia and panic attacks and i so want to get better i just don't know how!

I've been on paroxetine which really helped but i'm coming off them now. I think what started this bout of anxiety was i noticed my heart was fluttering and skipping beats and i started to worry about that.

I'm going to book an appointment to see the doctor today. I feel i need more than medication to help me tho. Has anyone had cognitive behaviour therapy or counselling and if so has it been helpful?

Bex xx

23-11-05, 10:39
hi bex

welcome to the forum

kazo xxx

23-11-05, 11:30
a big welcome to the forum. You'll really feel welcome and recieve lots of advice here.
Becci x x x

23-11-05, 15:06
hi there im really sorry 2 hear u aint feelin good.i can totally relate 2 ur problem as i was in the same state but by alot of hard work im gettin myself back on track and feeling more positive feel free 2 pm me or if u have msn add me yvohop@hotmail.com take care and keep smilin:D
luv mooxXx

23-11-05, 15:41
Hi Bex

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-11-05, 16:15
HI Bex ,

*I've been on paroxetine which really helped but i'm coming off them now. I think what started this bout of anxiety was i noticed my heart was fluttering and skipping beats and i started to worry about that.*

Ok, good that you know what it was that started this bout off.

You may find the counsellors/ medics at uni can get you CBT help faster than a usual GP. You will not be the only one there with this sort of worry.

You did well over the years to move on and get to uni so you can do it again.

Might also your lifestyle habits not be as good as they were before uni which might be contributing too.


First Steps First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

There is an article on the home pages about palpitations. Give it a go


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-11-05, 16:26
hi Bex

Welcome to the forum

you will get lots of help and support

linda :D

23-11-05, 17:56
hi becky,

welcome to the site. i can relate totally to your health anxiety. you are not going mad cos if you are then so am i. i have all this through a trauma i had at hosp over 2 yrs ago. try to stay positive. i myself will be starting cbt this friday so i will let you know but so many ppl on this site have had this treatment and have had some good results to fingers crossed. it is worth seeing your gp to discuss meds and other treatments. i myself am 6 days of meds and im a total mess to be honest. but try to think positively and im know you will get some great advice from other members. have you read the posts on cbt and other treatments? on this site. its worth having a look i think.

take care. x

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

23-11-05, 18:59
Hi Bex and welcome to the site.