View Full Version : cbt to start in the new year

22-12-09, 15:12
im so so happy today ,,,, had my telephone interview this morning which was a assesment for cbt it lasted just over an hour and the guy said he would call me back by the afternoon to tell me if id been excepted or not ,,,, well he called and said i would defenley benifit from cbt and he was offering me at least 12 sessions and i was step 3 (not sure what this ment but im just pleased that i can finally get some help with all my problems ,,,,,, and they will contact me in the new year (the 4th ) to arrange the first session ,,,, this is the best christmas i could have asked for and i am truely thankful and cant wait to get started ,,,, so everyone out there that feels like theres no light at the end of the tunnel please belive me there is and it will come to you too one day xxxxxxxxx im not sure how cbt will help but im willing to try anything to help me away from this poxy anxiety and my negitive thinking xxxxxxxxx merry crimbo everyone xxxxxx :yesyes:

22-12-09, 16:48
Excellent news! Have a very Happy Christmas. :)

25-12-09, 22:46
Aww - I'm really pleased for you! I look forward to hearing how you get on with CBT. I've had all sorts of sessions to help with agoraphobia in the past but have been "going it alone" for about 4 years now and have developed health anxiety on top of the agoraphobia :( Maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage to ask for help again.

Wendy :)

25-12-09, 22:50
That is good news. I am halfway through my CBT course, and it definetely works.

It can be hard work as it requires a lot of changed to your default core beliefs, but that is what is required to overcome our conditions.

Best of luck