View Full Version : Lara1000

22-12-09, 15:33
Hi, ive just joined the group, ive got panic/anxiety and OCD which has resulted in a hospital admission on Sunday night. I have also become dependant on alcohol via self medication which is now also out of control. I feel exhausted at the moment about the whole situation and no one seems to understand my behaviour, hopefully I can find help here and vice versa.

22-12-09, 15:34
Hi Lara1000

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-12-09, 15:36
you have come to the right site people on here dont judge us just give you support ,,hope yu find answers welcome

22-12-09, 15:43
Hello Lara,

Welcome to this site. This can be a new start for you. There are lots of people here that can identify with you, so please don't think you are alone. It is extremely easy to turn to alcohol to try and make you feel better and please do not beat yourself up about this. None of us know what's in front of us. Your doctor can help you with your alcohol problem so make full use of him/her!! That's what they get paid for. You'll get support and comfort from this site :hugs:
Myra x

22-12-09, 16:58
Thanx for your replies, it does help to know there are others out there with this. I have to travel home tom on the train and the panic is already building up!

22-12-09, 17:00
I would also be very grateful to hear from anyone else who has an alcohol problem and who has used it to deal with anxiety, I could really do with some advice as I know I have to stop it before I end up dead but I dont know how to move forward. Thanx.

22-12-09, 17:46
There are others who have posted about this before and I'm almost positive they'll be in touch with you and give you support.

23-12-09, 19:41
Hi Lara

I started to use alcohol to relieve anxiety and social phobia when I was eighteen. I haven't drunk any alcohol for 25 years now. Believe me alcohol will only make your anxiety and depression worse.

I ended up using the early morning drink to take away the shakes and the vomits. Alcohol was my friend and then it became my enemy and a lot of traumas and mental hospitals along the way I found my way to Alcoholics anonymous. To me it was not just about putting down the drink as I was still left with all my fears and anxiety. The members in AA supported me along the way and I learnt to deal with all my fears and how to cope with emotions that I had dampened down with alcohol.

You don't say whether you want to stop drinking alcohol or to just drink socially. Look online. I have a place here that helps people to either sustain or to get their drinking back to an even keel. They have women's groups and groups to help people with social anxiety and a drop in centre.

I hope I have been of some help and I just want to tell you that you do not have to go down the path I did if you seek help for your alcohol problem now. PM me if you wish to.
