View Full Version : The Most Bizarre Thought Ever

22-12-09, 17:15
hey guys...

i've gone thru pretty much every obsession/intrusive thought you can imagine, and as an analytical person, my brain refuses to leave any stone unturned.

i've actually been feeling a lot better and more like myself lately.

but now i have a new lovely intrusive thought and i'm wondering if there's anyone out there that can help me.

i'm starting to question happiness--what is happiness? what makes me happy? why am i happy? why do i want to be happy? why should there be peace on earth? why should i be happy? why am i laughing? what is evil? why are things considered evil? and then i question whether or not i wish ill on someone else and why i should be a good person. its so DUMB *but* bizarre enough to be bothersome. and it goes without saying that i'm a really sweet individual who doesn't truly wish ill even on the people i don't like. but mr. ocd says, WHAT IF I DO???

can anyone help me???

22-12-09, 17:34
Hey mate you sound like you could do with a philosophy course or something? I get the same thoughts but usually don't take them to heart, look at it as a positive that you have an enquiring mind maybe?

22-12-09, 17:44
t doesn't matter what the thoughts are - they are only thoughts and can't harm you or anyone else.

22-12-09, 19:52
hey thanks guys...

i think a philosophy course would terrify me though :ohmy:

i just need to quit taking them to heart and remember its ocd making me do this crap ... its totally annoying though... because i know i'm fine but i wanna keep asking even more questions...ugh. my brain needs to just shut up...

22-12-09, 20:37
Sometimes I do take them seriously usually when I am tired or fed up, get in a sort of loop or never ending spiral of questions. Sometimes I may get an answer to one then my perspective will change and it's back to another round of questions! Distraction is the key for me to get out o that mindset, usually turn on the tv or go for a walk, even then the questions and enquiry can go on sometimes! I don't let it get me down though and only every now and then it gets to me, hope you can get it sorted out so it does not wear you down too much.


22-12-09, 21:40
My current one is similar: why am I here? what is the purpose of life?

And also sometimes I have a sudden feeling: is there more to life? Is this it? What should I do, does all this matter to me at all? And I look at people around me looking and feeling happy because of all the random little things and I don't understand why.

But this is not the usual hollywood movie "is there more to life" blah blah, instead this scary weird thought that I don't belong here which is somehow connected to my OCD.

And then I feel guilty for thinking this and feel I don't deserve happiness if I think this way :shrug:

22-12-09, 22:32
amu, have you ever heard of mindfulness?
that pretty much got rid of the whole "what's the meaning of life" sorta thing for me.

but, even THEN you'll find something new to worry about because that's what OCD does, and at the end of the day, the theme doesn't even matter...it's the fact that you're obsessing about SOMETHING that is the real problem...so we have to work on not getting ourselves bothered by the thoughts and learn how to get bored with them so that they can then sorta slip away...WE are in control, not the stupid OCD...it's a fact, even if it doesn't feel like one sometimes...