View Full Version : General Advice

22-12-09, 20:10
I posted earlier on tonight, but just wanted to ask a few more questions. Ive been diagnosed with GAD and depression and have been on Citalopram for almost 5 weeks. Its been 2 weeks since my last major anxiety attack but do not yet feel back to my old self. I was just curious about anyone else who has been on this medication and had really bad anxiety. Im waiting for my anxiety management course to start at the end of January, and am also on the waiting list for councelling. But every time i have a bad attack it makes me feel like im taking a massive step back. Im only 23 and dont have kids or a partner and since all of this has happened ive lost my job so i find it hard to completely distract myself. Can anyone just give me some advice or encouragement. Thanks.

22-12-09, 21:15
I was on Citalopram for about 4 weeks and I had really bad anxiety attacks with it, and found that I couldn't sleep, I thought that I was going to die, so I stopped taking it, I am still taking Sereoquel, but I want to stop taking that also. I intend to try 5HTP instead, I am sick of taking chemicals, it doesn't get to the root of the problem and since the N.H.S don't seem to provide counselling I am just going to wing it.
You need someone to talk to and support you through this tough time, do you have family that can help you at all? If not what about a close friend? You need some kind of support.

22-12-09, 21:21
I do have family and friends who are helping me, but i feel that they dont really understand completely. They help to keep me distracted though.

22-12-09, 21:26
Talking therapies are very important here and you shouldn't rely on the meds to "cure" you.

Citalopram (and other ADs) take time to improve your condition - usually weeks but it obviously differs for people. In the meantime, the medication can temporarily intensify your anxiety, so bear that in mind. But taking the meds for a few weeks, then giving up, will just expose you to withdrawal symptoms without giving the meds time to work.

Stick with it and you should see an improvement.

22-12-09, 21:26
Hi oscar1
I have been on this med and yes it was worth taking at the time as i thought i was going mad and didnt know much about them back then,they referred me to see a councilor but waiting list was 18mnths so i went private and it was the best thing i ever did i would say i really started feeling my old self again after 6 mnths...i find listening to music a great distractor or going for a walk..

best wishes

fozzy is crying
22-12-09, 21:26
Citalopram can actually increase anxiety for the first few weeks. Any side effects of any meds you must seek your GPs advice on them ASAP. Often Citalopram is prescribed at 10mg a day for the fiirst week then increased to 20mg or more. In some cases 20mg is too much and Doctors will then get yuo back to 10mg and the effects will be less. Again everyone reacts to drugs in different ways and you much if you are having problems get back to your Doctor urgently. Citalopram has well know problems and there are alternatives if you are intolerant to it. As with Beta blockers men tend to have more problems with these types of drugs. If it is urgent ring your out of hours service or NHS direct will get a doctor to ring and advise you or even your local A&E can help. If your heart starts to race ring 999 immediately. What ever you do do not take any none professional advice or attempt to lower or higher your dosage without being told to by a Doctor as this can make the situation a lot worse.


22-12-09, 21:31
Hi, like you, I had to give up my job due to Generalised Anxiety Disorder and depression, and I'm 21 and live with my parents. Try the citalopram for a bit longer but if you don't feel it's helping, you could ask your doctor about trying another antidepressant. I think it's something that you have to be going through to understand. You can post here or use the chat room whenever you need to talk to someone who does understand anxiety.

I'm only at the stage of getting through the day myself, so I don't really know how to advise you on this. Distraction and medication is all I've got at the moment. Coming on here does help though, I feel like I'm not alone in the battle against the anxiety. Make sure you get outside every day and also make sure you don't shut yourself away and avoid people.

22-12-09, 22:22
Hi Oscar,

I am 23 also and was diagnosed with GAD and panic about 6 weeks ago (started on cit then also). Out of counselling, meds and self-help books i've found the latter by far the most help. It's sooooo important to have the correct attitude towards dealing with and eradicating your GAD.

first things first buy self help for your nerves by claire weekes. if you can't afford it just pm your address and ill buy a copy for you off amazon.

this is temporary and you'll get over it :)