View Full Version : DVT worry now:-(

22-12-09, 20:37
I think my HA is getting abit out of control since the termination 10 days ago:weep: Speaking to my counsellor tomorrow to try and help me to get back into my CBT way of thinking then I am sure I will get back on track. I am just all over the place I guess emotionally and physically right now.

I got out of the shower earlier and down the side of my right calf muscle it felt pulled as I walked. I pinched the area and just a small area hurts when I push the muscle. It came on very sudden, was fine before I got in the shower, and now it aches abit when I walk.

Today I have done the most ive done in the last 10 days since the termination. I went shopping and did abit of driving, running around after 3 kids too so my husband thinks ive just strained the muscle. Me being me though I am thinking 'oh my god, you are at risk of dvt when pregnant, and just after giving birth - would it be the same if i was pregnant till 5 & half weeks and after having the termination, is it the same risk????' See, my mind is working over time at the moment:weep: My husband is telling me it is just a strain and that I really need to relax, but I have myself in abit of a state now:blush:

Can someone please slap me and make me chill out abit? I have had a rough time since the procedure. I am not sleeping at all, I was wide awake for the termination, I had no sedation or anasthetic so it was very traumatic:weep: Plus I have had 3 bad days with my IBS, will it ever end.

22-12-09, 20:53
Sorry to hear of your termination recently and the trauma you went through.

It's a good sign that the muscle hurts when you press on it - it does sound like a muscle-related problem rather than something more serious like DVT.

Hope you feel better soon.