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View Full Version : Really bad night

22-12-09, 21:56
Hi everyone arfter my post yesterday i am really down ,arfter being told i have slight furring of the arteries i have now got it in my head that thats it im going to die very soon of a heart attack because of this and its not worth being here anymore i might as well end it before it gets me i dont want to live knowing that anyday this might become worst and kill me ive looked up info on the internet and cant find anything saying this can be reversed. I dont want to end my life but i cant seem to stop thinking that i have been handed a death sentence i dont know anyone else thaty has furring of the arteries at 37 i dont smoke quit 5 years ago and dont drink at all and have never done drugs and i fell really p***ed that this as happened does anyone know that this can be reversed or anyone had this and recovered plaese help im terrified :scared15:

22-12-09, 23:20
I've never heard the expression "furring of the arteries". I guess they have different ones in different countries. How did they diagnose this,...what test did you have? I would like to offer help but I'd have to know what furring means.

22-12-09, 23:29
i had a ct scan on my heart and the said there was a slight bit of calcium build up caused by cholesterol in my arteries and now im terrified

23-12-09, 09:13
ashero I'm so sorry for you. I think you need to go back to your Doctor and get a thorough explination...DO NOT go looking online or in books as info is always so so varied and every case is of a different severity. I am sure that if it was life threatening they would have told you. Good luck and let us know.


23-12-09, 09:38
As Carley says, go back to your doctor and ask for more information on what this actually means.

But I think it's important to remember, it's only a _slight_ furring. With a healthy lifestyle (which you seem to have) there is no reason for this to cause you any problems.

Maybe check with you doctor if there is any exercise you can do which will help you, or any medication you can take. You mentioned cholesterol so that might be something you can work on reducing with a healthy diet.