View Full Version : Brain issue? Heart stopping? is there a pattern?

23-12-09, 01:27
I find that my heart flutters almost daily without warning. I haven't noticed a paticular pattern with it though... Sometimes it flutters more than once a day, sometimes not. One day, I was checking my e-mail sitting on my knees when I felt a pressured/compressed felling in my heart and I couldn't breathe... Everything seemed to stop and I paniced. That night I couldn't lay down on my back without having my heart flutter.

I'm worried because I get frequent headaches and I have anxiety about it being a brain issue or something of the sort and I forget and get confused easily since July 4th. I'm wondering if something about my brain is affecting my heart.

I have many other symptoms too and it all started on July 4th very suddenly when I got a panic attack consisting of derealization/depresonalization. I don't know why I paniced except for that the symptoms I was expeirencing at the time was scared the shit out of me. I fell into a deep state of depression because my symptoms wouldn't stop.

Any Advice it highly appreciated.

23-12-09, 10:06
I think perhaps you are worrying about this without realising it, its constantly in the back of your miind. There is something I always think of after I have heart palpitations is what came first, the palpitation or the panic? Palpitations are mostly harmless and we all get them most days (the anxious and non anxious alike). But us anxiety sufferers notice them more where as non anxious people just ignore them and thats why their's vanish almost immediately and ours dont! As for your headaches they too could be anxiety, you have so much going on in your head its so much stress for your brain to take.
It wouldnt do any harm to see your GP for some advice and to put your mind at rest and remember our fear fuels these palpitations, the more they scare us the longer they stick around.
I hope I have been a little help to you and may I wish you a very happy christmas and a panic free new year.
Take care,
Carol x