View Full Version : Anxiety Hit me this morning!!

23-12-09, 07:25
Hi there

Sorry I have not posted for about 6 months now, but I have been doing well and recovering. Still trying to cut down on the amount of alcohol I drink which is not good with Citalopram.

However, this morning I woke up and was hit like a wall, BAM, anxiety big style. I got up, made tea and it become increasingly worse. Now, thinking it could be a few things, wine I had last night, Xmas coming up (I was EXTREMELY ill 2 xmas's ago and was nearly admitted to the local centre), also worried that when my anxiety comes on, I cannot eat and this makes me more anxious. I don't want to spoil Xmas day by not eating my turkey sitting in a corner crying and rocking!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jackie xx

23-12-09, 07:41
i dont think your alone i was like you doing very well then bang this week anxiety back i been cancelled family boxing day party witch i was looking forward to but now not bothered ,,i think we must get worse as Christmas is a time for stress i hope we both will get through it merry Christmas ps do you feel light headed

23-12-09, 08:32
I am having the same thing this morning. Esp the alcohol aspect. Just knowing you have the same thing has helped me. Also try the blue Becks. Its the only decent no alcohol beverage out there. You will feel better soon and look back at this; like we always do, and wonder how we got so scared xx There with u xxx

Carley x

23-12-09, 17:50
Hi I am feeling just the same, been on citralopam for 16 days first 10mg then 20mg one morning and night feel worse, thinking worse, I so want to enjoy christmas we try to be normal, but I feel like running away. Any help with rubbish time please

23-12-09, 19:41
Hi All

Thanks so much for your posts, means alot that I am not alone right now.

Crissy, I think we all try and run away from stressful times, but sometimes we have to face them and then they are not as bad as we thought:)

I now know exactly we I am feeling like I do, but it is still not helping with the absolutely terrible feeling of impending doom! I read on a website today that 95% of our thoughts are not even acted upon, so I just keep telling myself they are only thoughts and my stupid brain is doing this, not as easy as it sounds though:(

The dark nights don't help much but hey, we are passed the shortest day and the nights will very gradually get lighter, I think it is a minute each day. Don't worry we will all be in our shorts complaining it's too hot, can't wait!

Jackie xx

24-12-09, 08:02
Hi All

Feeling dreadful again this morning, anxiety is through the roof! Can't look at presents, think about Turkey, food etc. Just keep thinking I am gonna have a break down!

24-12-09, 09:05
Hi Jackie

I know how you feel my anx has been bad the past few days and its basically destoyed my life for the past week I thought that I was getting better looking forward to xmas, but I have still got all the wrapping to do cook for 10 tomorrow also.

I think its just stress but I am convinced that I am going to have a heart attack on the spot, there is no history in my family of heart attack or anything like that, I dont know why I am worrying so much.

I think we all need to chill out and take a step back from ourselves while I am typing to you my left hand is full of pins and needles but I know that I have had this for months its prob just a trapped nerve in my elbow as I get pain there but my head tells me something else.

Its a hard battle but its has got to be won.

I hope that things get better for you and you feel better soon.

Take care merry christmas sarahx

24-12-09, 09:07
me to up to now havbe been looking forward to christmas. but now just cant be bothered anxiety high why now i ask

24-12-09, 10:14
Hi All,

Please too much stressing here! Here's what you really need to do... just feel the excitement - it's Christmas Day tomorrow. That itself is exciting - i, for one, am looking forward to it.

Okay, i maybe don't have the stresses some of you have (cooking for 10 Sarah?! - you need to get people to help). I'm on my own, my wife is 6000 miles away right now and that is enough to make me depressed. I have vowed, though, to make this a good time - i'm going to cook a turkey, even though i'm not best at cooking (yes, a turkey just for me!) - and just try best to enjoy myself doing whatever it is comes at me.

Believe me, though, i know exactly how you all feel, so i'm not trying to put you down. A few years ago i spent Christmas Day in bed the whole day - my Christmas food consisted of about 4 bowls of soup over the day as i couldnt eat anything and i was at my lowest ebb i've ever been at. To go back to that state isnt an option.

Right now i'm listening to Christmas CD (a Spanish one and so much better than my English one!) and getting ready to tidy my flat in preparation for tomorrow.

I'm not sure how i can properly advise you all how to deal with it, except to say just relax - don't take things too seriously. If you have kids, think about their faces when they're opening their presents. If you have a lot to do to entertain, make sure your kids/spouse, etc help out to take the load off. I'm sure they will understand.

Most of all, just enjoy yourself.

24-12-09, 10:17
Hi All,

Please too much stressing here! Here's what you really need to do... just feel the excitement - it's Christmas Day tomorrow. That itself is exciting - i, for one, am looking forward to it.

Okay, i maybe don't have the stresses some of you have (cooking for 10 Sarah?! - you need to get people to help). I'm on my own, my wife is 6000 miles away right now and that is enough to make me depressed. I have vowed, though, to make this a good time - i'm going to cook a turkey, even though i'm not best at cooking (yes, a turkey just for me!) - and just try best to enjoy myself doing whatever it is comes at me.

Believe me, though, i know exactly how you all feel, so i'm not trying to put you down. A few years ago i spent Christmas Day in bed the whole day - my Christmas food consisted of about 4 bowls of soup over the day as i couldnt eat anything and i was at my lowest ebb i've ever been at. To go back to that state isnt an option.

Right now i'm listening to Christmas CD (a Spanish one and so much better than my English one!) and getting ready to tidy my flat in preparation for tomorrow.

I'm not sure how i can properly advise you all how to deal with it, except to say just relax - don't take things too seriously. If you have kids, think about their faces when they're opening their presents. If you have a lot to do to entertain, make sure your kids/spouse, etc help out to take the load off. I'm sure they will understand.

Most of all, just enjoy yourself.good advice but you know from your experience easier said than done