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View Full Version : Pain in one breast....please read!

23-12-09, 09:38
I'm 24 and have had some health anxiety problems in recent years. I am not constantly worrying but if anything happens with my health I immediately google and fear the worst.
Anyway, I recently got a very itchy nipple on the left breast, with flaky skin - lovely. As I have exzema a lot, I wasn't too worried. I didn't go to the dr especially, but while I was there to get my pill, I mentioned it to him. He took a look and said it was probably eczema and gave me some cream. But he said if it doesn't clear it up to come back in 10 days, because there is a very rare form of cancer for which the main symptom is an eczema like rash on one nipple only. Of course this freaked me out and I ended up googling it, and convincing myself I had it - highly unlikely given my age, no family history of breast cancer and the rarity of this particular cancer.
So I used the cream and now 2 days later, the itching has nearly stopped. You'd think I'd be pleased but instead, my breast is aching badly - a really dull, deep ache, it feels heavy. I should admit that I've been repeatedly checking and breast for lumps since I found out about this cancer, and am wondering if I may have caused the pain myself from manhandling my own breast! But I'm still really worried...first the rash and now the pain in one breast only. I'm driving myself insane. Any advice!!?

23-12-09, 09:49
I had this exact same thing a few months ago. Itchy flaky nipple which was quite sore. I do have dry skin on my body and eczema too, but like you I convinced myself it was Pagets disease. It's gone now though and I'm sure it was just dry skin. I've since had it on the other breast too.

I know how easy it is to panic, so stay away from Google and try and forget about it. If it is still there after the holidays, then perhaps go and see your doctor again.

The pain in your breast is probably from you moving it around and anxiety too.

Cell block H fan
23-12-09, 11:36
I'm 24 and have had some health anxiety problems in recent years. I am not constantly worrying but if anything happens with my health I immediately google and fear the worst.
Anyway, I recently got a very itchy nipple on the left breast, with flaky skin - lovely. As I have exzema a lot, I wasn't too worried. I didn't go to the dr especially, but while I was there to get my pill, I mentioned it to him. He took a look and said it was probably eczema and gave me some cream. But he said if it doesn't clear it up to come back in 10 days, because there is a very rare form of cancer for which the main symptom is an eczema like rash on one nipple only. Of course this freaked me out and I ended up googling it, and convincing myself I had it - highly unlikely given my age, no family history of breast cancer and the rarity of this particular cancer.
So I used the cream and now 2 days later, the itching has nearly stopped. You'd think I'd be pleased but instead, my breast is aching badly - a really dull, deep ache, it feels heavy. I should admit that I've been repeatedly checking and breast for lumps since I found out about this cancer, and am wondering if I may have caused the pain myself from manhandling my own breast! But I'm still really worried...first the rash and now the pain in one breast only. I'm driving myself insane. Any advice!!?

The pain is probably, whats the word, psychosomatic? If thats spelt right. If we focus on somewhere enough, we will feel it. I convinced myself I saw blood when I went to the toilet when I was 21, from then on it was a living hell, cut a long story short I was put on Beta blockers & sent to the hospital within days to see a specialist because I was convinced I had the Big C, by then I was in the worst agony stomach wise. I had I.B.S apparently. But just hearing that & not the C word, was like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Within a day those stomach pains had gone & ive never had them since.
The mind is too powerful!
Your situation sounds like its what the doc told you, about the Excema. Ive had that on my bum before, no where else, I know gross! lol I was given Fucidin cream for that. It can appear in the strangest places!

23-12-09, 12:33
maybe call your doctor and tell him about the pain? or wait a few days and if it doesn't get better go see your doctor.
one thing that can cause breast pain is PMS or if you slept on your belly .

23-12-09, 16:59
Hello :)

Stop poking!! i can bet you any money this is what is causing you pain.

I went to the doctor a few months ago regarding pain which i had in one breast only, he said its very common, pain isnt a usual symptom of breast cancer and that minor hormone influctuations can cause this, and as there werent any lumps he was concerned.( also as soon as i had the pain i was poking away)

I was reassured and stopped poking and the pain eased up alot!

A few weeks later i got all anxious again and started poking and probing and thought omg i think i can feel a lump ( i didnt mind tricks) i went to a different doctor who said there is nothing there and to stop poking and prescribed me some anti-inflammatries as i made my tissue very sore.

I havnt poked for a while and i cant feel hardly any pain at all, i am due on in a few days so i can feel a tiny bit but nothing i would have noticed if i didnt have anxiety ( as this make you aware of every single ache and pain)

my advice is ease off the poking for 2 weeks, just to see if the pain goes and i bet it will!! and if it hasnt go back to your doctor but remember breast pain is common, even in one so please please try not to worry and let it ruin your christmas xxx

reader 2009
24-12-09, 00:10
hi bellar
i had the same thing for years -because i suffer with eczema-so i really wouldn't worry about it-the breast ache is due to you poking your boob too much-i know because when i have health anxiety i check my boobs alot-i'm a silly billy sometimes and have made my boobs ache...just like you are describing.

merry christmas

reader 2009 x

24-12-09, 09:39
Thanks guys, I do feel a bit better about it, it bothered me less yesterday and the day before. But I just woke up and it's still there. It's not really a pain I can feel, it just feels weird. Like one of my boobs is heavy and I'm just really aware of it if that makes sense? Is this what you guys had or did yours actually really hurt? I'm not poking very much, I checked a couple of times yesterday and can't feel anything. I feel like such an idiot.:mad:

Cell block H fan
24-12-09, 09:48
Thanks guys, I do feel a bit better about it, it bothered me less yesterday and the day before. But I just woke up and it's still there. It's not really a pain I can feel, it just feels weird. Like one of my boobs is heavy and I'm just really aware of it if that makes sense? Is this what you guys had or did yours actually really hurt? I'm not poking very much, I checked a couple of times yesterday and can't feel anything. I feel like such an idiot.:mad:

Ive had that 'sensation' I suppose I have called it, in othr parts of the body, & I think its down to us being over aware? If that makes sense?

04-01-10, 20:44
Hi again,

Thought I'd update!

I still have this damn thing, it is driving me mad. As before, it isn't pain, just a very odd sensation, I can just 'feel' my breast being there, more than any other body part. It's just a bit heavy and achy feeling. I haven't poked it for ages. I had a massage today and the masseuase said my left side was incredibly tight - the massage on that side was so painful, I dont know if maybe my pain is muscular or if I've caused the tension from stressing so much. I have an appointment with the doc on Weds though, thought it was better to be safe. If anyone has has this weird 'sensation' and it turned out to be nothing I'd like to hear about it!

06-01-10, 09:54
Hi all,

Thought I'd update on this. I went to the doctor this morning and he was really good. He did a quick exam and said my breast looked and felt okay, and he thinks I have strained a pectoral muscle. He prodded a few places which hurt and says he is fairly sure that is the problem and I just need to relax. But to put mine and his mind at rest he has referred me to the breast clinic for an ultrasound etc - that sounds really scary to me but I know it's probably for the best as he seems fairly certain there's nothing there. Feel a bit calmer now though can still feel the pain. Hopefully it will ease off eventually.


06-01-10, 10:03
Hello :)

Glad you went to the doctor, i am going back to my doctor again tonight as my pain has come back with vengence and have alot of bumps and thickening, i feel like such a nuisence as i have been twice already and both doctors said they felt nothing but my mum and oh agreed last night they could.

Good Luck to you!! :) let us know how you get on!!:hugs:

06-01-10, 10:31
I had a very sore breast that felt as you describe .My Dr said that it also felt lumpy ..:scared15:This he said was down to hormones and perscribed me some progesterone ,After the course of treatment it cleared up :D. Persistent pain or any usual abnormality should always be checked out thoroughly .An ultrasound takes only a few mins and will put your mind at rest .Anti inflammatory drugs are advised like ibuprofen ,but check if they are ok to take with any other drugs you are on .Hope you both feel better soon Sue x

07-01-10, 08:19
Thanks for the responses....my breast still aches and feels weird, it makes me feel panic but I keep trying to remind myself the doctor said it's almost certainly not something to worry about. Still, I always focus on that slim chance he might be wrong. I wish I was normal about this stuff.

Meg, how was your appointment?

07-01-10, 10:23
Hello :)

Well it was my 3rd doctors appointment, she said that my breast feels fine she knows what she is looking for and there isnt any growths.

She also said breast pain very rarely means breast cancer, she told me not to ever worry about breast pain as cancer is usually a painless lump, it only hurts when it is very very advanced, and if it was there would be something to feel.

Guess i have to trust the doctors and let go :) easier said than done! i wish i was normal about this stuff to Karlyo :).

Its probably a blessing in disguise that you are having a scan otherwise you would be obsessing about it for months (like me!) try not to worry sweetie, im pretty positive it wont be anything bad, if your feeling worried just write it down on here, and dont poke because you will make the pain worse. :hugs:

07-01-10, 17:40
I must stress enough how important it is to contact your Doctor should you have any concers about your breasts. I am not trying to scare you, but no-one is too young to have Breast Cancer, please be rest assured that i am not saying you have it, highly unlikely, but please go to the doctors just to be on the safe side.

It is normal to be concerned about our health, but we can over analyse every little ache and pain then dread the worst. In my experience i have learned to stop using Dr. Google to diagnose myself, i mean lets face it do i or he have a degree or PHD in medicine - i don't think so. Our minds begin to play tricks on us and before we know we have diagnosed ourselves with something terrible and nasty and even convincing ourselves that we could die from this, it is not a nice feeling and most of the time we our left to our own devices to try beat the demons of anxiety and stress.

08-01-10, 11:58
Yea Sat201, Karylo has been to the doctor and is waiting for a ultrasound and i have been 3 times to my doctor lol dont think that should be directed at us :)

I do agree that any lump should be checked out by a doctor no matter what your age xx