View Full Version : A big thank u

anx mum
23-12-09, 10:38
To everyone who has listened to me over the weeks/ months thank u for ur support. Esp thanku to gypsy women, sarahjane,mandie,panicover,nicola,mojo love u all:hugs:

23-12-09, 10:51
your so welcome you also listened to us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-12-09, 14:15
I am glad the MRI has come back clear for you - you must be relieved.

Please try now and have a good relaxing Xmas and you may find the symptoms subside.

Happy Christmas!

anx mum
23-12-09, 14:22
thanku nicola was convinced something was wrong. x

23-12-09, 14:34
I have got an MRI planned for Februrary to look at a benign tumour on my adrenal gland so nearer the time you can calm me down cos I will freak going in that tunnel lol.

anx mum
23-12-09, 14:55
hate that tunnel was really panicky in there just glad its over. Soon over gonna try and relax i know hard lol

23-12-09, 16:09
Glad it's good news and it's all over anx mum.

sarah jayne
23-12-09, 20:59
Im really pleased for you bev. I hope now you will be able to relax and have a lovely xmas.
Sarah xxx

24-12-09, 01:42
Yr welcome, u have been there for me as well


enjoy yr xmas now without the worry

love mandie xx