View Full Version : Think I just had a palpitation

23-12-09, 14:48
was lying on sofa when all of a sudden my chest went funny. I felt my heart start pounding really fast. At first I thought it was an ectopic but it lasted more than a few seconds and i jumped up. It calmed down nearly straight away.

Could it have been a bad ectopic? A palpitation? I didnt think it was a panic attack though it sent me into a one a bit!!

23-12-09, 14:56
I would say a panic like thing...

23-12-09, 15:32
well i was well relaxed and wasnt panicking until it hit.

23-12-09, 15:36
yeh i get them aswell ive been in a classroom doing my work and talking to some mates then all of a sudden had a panic atack out of nowere they happen right now im scared im going to have a heart atack because i had center chest pains and thats rare for a 14 year old.

23-12-09, 15:53
ah kk. cheers. im 36!

23-12-09, 15:56
Chest pains to me are the worst symptom of anxiety because you always think that it is something more sinister. I posted a month or so back with regards to the phyiscal symptoms related to anxiety and if we did not have them then we would probably all get over this. Best advice is to speak to your doctor, have a few tests done and have faith in their judgement. The thing with a heart attack is that it will not decide to leave it for now, if you are going to have one then you will, it will not just decide to wait until another time (FOR EXAMPLE, when you are having a panic attack and you feel your chest starting to hurt then you panic even more but within a hour it stats to ease, the pain maybe still there because you are highly anxious due to having the attack but the symptoms ease, if it were a heart attack then the symptoms would only get worse) .When those chest pains arise think about how often you have had them and the fact that you are still here, still kicking despite having this constant cloud over you. But the best people to trust are always the doctors.

24-12-09, 00:06
Ive had several ecgs recently and all showed normal apart from Right Bundle Branch Block & extra beats!

24-12-09, 03:24
Hey peter,

We're a similar age (I'm 32 next week), same 'issue' BBB, I've had these jolts in the chest too.

I'd stop worrying about it, in fact your response shows that you are actually in control. We often get sensations in our bodies which trigger a shocked response/fear, in an anxious person this leads to a panic attack as the initial response triggers a greater panic response in others it passes - that is the initial jolt of 'fear' simply subsides when you realise it's nothing. It passed for you, yes it concerned you but after the initial jolt you didn't progress into a panic attack about it, so well done.

It could have been anything, wind, oesophogeal spasm stimulating the vagus nerve, extra beat you didn't noticed triggering a heavier beat you did... I could go on but I won't. You noticed it, you got a jolt of fear, you calmed down. That's a healthy response, get on with your life mate, don't let it spiral into something to be concerned about.


24-12-09, 12:16
Ah cheers matey. I guess we all to often focus on the bad stuff.

Only thing thats bugging me is I keep getting jolts but im not too sure if its adrenaline shots or ectopics. Seem to originate from my stomach up through my chest.

But Ill just get on with it. Not much else i can do. :shrug: