View Full Version : Feeling crappy :( Help!

23-12-09, 15:00
I've spent the last two days getting myself into a right state :(

I have been poorly with bad bronchitis since Aug and been on various antobiotics and referred to respiratory clinic in Jan as unusual to have recurrent infections for so long. Have also been in hosp with haemhoragic (sp) ovarian cyst for five days and have to go back to hosp for that in Jan too.

WHen I came out of hosp about 4 weeks ago I had a pain in my calf and had myself convinced it was a DVT but my husband was rational and calmed me down. The pain/ache gradually spread to my thigh muscles, hips and back of knees - not constant or stopping me walking but uncomfortable and annoying. Anyway a few weeks down the line and things are gradually worse. All of my muscles ache now and some of my joints - shoulders, beck, arms, elbows, back, etc. Again it is not agony and although something aches constantly, not everything aches all of the time. Rationally I am trying to tell myself that these aches are part of HA and are more evident because we made snowmen yesterday, etc but my irrational side is convinced it is something awful like MS but I'm too scared to google incase the symptoms fit. I'm also scared that my heart and lung muscles will be affected (far fetched I know but amazing how this has spiralled!).

I think I am scared that this cyst is ovarian caner or something and that is what has caused the lung problems and now my muscles - what if it's metastatic cancer or something?!

I've made a doc appointment for Tues but I am scared of feeling rubbish over christmas and not being there for the kids.

HAs anyone else had these all over aches and pains before - was it stress related???

T x

23-12-09, 21:31
It really scares me when so many people read and nobody comments.

I was hoping for some reassurance from others who have had similar but I do want honest replies if you think it sounds like something's really wrong rather than HA :(

T x

23-12-09, 21:54
Hi there,
I cant say that i have the aches to your extent but i have definatley had aches all at once almost everywhere, arms, legs, ankles, shoulders, back. I put mine down to being tensed up, especially when im very worried etc. But i think you are doing the right thing about going to your doctor, not because i think you have something bad, but for your own personal reassurance. I really do hope it all goes well for you, relax the best you can and have a lovely christmas.

Take care,

Debs xxxx

23-12-09, 22:01
Hey Tomimo,

Aches and pains all over seem to be common with HA.

I started with chest pains and got myself so worried about it within a couple of weeks it felt like every muscle in my upper body hurt.

It could be something as simple as a strained muscle and the other aches are referred pain.

Right now, my whole back is aching and my knees are even sore when I bend down and stand up again. I know I've done nothing to cause it but I also know it's just tense muscles.

Obviously if you're worried then you should see your GP, but applying heat can help a lot - eases the pain and the anxiety drops a little.

Sorry I can't help but I'm sure it's nothing serious!

24-12-09, 09:43
Thanks guys :)

I think I have just lost all perspective and that's why it seems so bad. To be fair it doesn't take much to set the wheels of worry in motion.

I woke this morning and one whole side of my body went kids of cold/burning/numb and my muscles and joints still hurt but I can move everything and still walk etc so I'm trying not to worry about it.

Part of me wants to run off to the doctors today but another part of me thinks it's not really an emergency. It's so hard having anxiety because it's never clear what really needs to be worried about!

T x