View Full Version : got perscriped citalopram- but feel too scared to use it!

23-12-09, 19:12
Hi guys i got perscriped citalopram 10mg about a week ago, but ive been feeling unsure if i should take them, they just been sat in front of me for a week!
I suffer from really bad anxiety and panic, and from reading the side effects that are anxiety and panic i feel unsure to take them :( i dont want to get worse, i just want to get better.
But i was wondering if anyone here takes them for this and if they do actually help with anxiety in the long term though? :unsure:

23-12-09, 19:35
I was prescribed citralopram 20mg 15 days ago now.
I was also scared to take them as i had read some bad reports on this site as well as the leaflet.
I decided to give them a go as I could no longer take the constant anxiety with panic attacks thrown in - the constant feeling of wanting to "escape".
Have a look at the citralopram topic on this forum - there is an absolutely fantastic "Citralopram survival guide" on here written by psychopoet- and i probably would not have made the decision to start taking the tablets if it had no been for this guide.
I had a really sore head and felt dizzy for the first week - I still had my anxiety and panic attacks for the first week - but don't think they were any worse than they had been.
I am now very glad that I started taking them as by the 2nd week my anxiety and panic attacks began to slow down. At this stage the anxiety is hardly there but still having a few smaller panic attacks (but this may also be because of xmas - and I travelled for 9 hours yesterday by road and boat - so had a few attacks). I am taking propananol beta blockers to keep me a bit calmer when I need them.
Please read the guide by psychopoet this has some excellent info and reassurance in it, and please also remember that everyone reacts differently to medication and you may not have any side effects at all.
Good Luck and I hope they work as well for you as they have for me so far (fingers crossed it can only get better - doc said it can take 2weeks to 2 months to get the full benefit)

23-12-09, 19:56
Hello AJS thanx for your help:)
Ive read the post up the top there, theres only one concern i have, my doctor has only give me tablets to last for 4 weeks, i dont want to go back there and him say he wont give me anymore then ill have to go through withdrawal symptoms:weep:

23-12-09, 20:18
don't worry - i'm the same - i only have 2 weeks worth left. I'm going to go back and see the doc in between xmas and new year as mine will run out.
Theres no way the doc would stop giving you the tablets - when they give you them - they give you them for a reason and as my doc said to get the full benefit it can take up to 2 months.
They only give 4 weeks initially as they have to see you to get an update on how they have worked for you up to that point - some people may find that they don't help and the doc would give them a different type of tablet or they might need a bigger dose. I had to fill in a questionaire when the doc prescribed them to me - and i think they get you to do it again after a while to compare your feelings.
The doctor would also never recommend that you stop taking these tablets all of a sudden - they must be reduced over a period of time.
I have a new GP and she is lovely - I first had these panic attacks and anxiety about 11-12 weeks ago - and survived for the first while on herbal tablets, breathing, relaxation and life changes like no caffine,started excersice and have also not smoked since first panic attack(where I thought i was dying). But they came back and I could not have come to the in-laws for xmas and been "semi-normal" for xmas without the tablets - just grateful that my wee girl can have a nearly back to normal mum for santa coming!!
I'm also going to see a stress counselor in the new year haave an appt for 5th jan - doc has highly recommended using the tablets and therapy at the same time - which I will do - as I would worry that if I ever stop the medication that the anxiety and panic would just start again.

Sorry for the long winded reply.

GOOD LUCK - the more you worry about taking the tablets the more likely you are to have a panic attack - keep telling yourself that you will be alright and that you are taking them to help you get your old self back.

23-12-09, 20:27
Emily - as AJS said, Citalopram can take a little while to get into your system, but it's definitely something worth persevering with. I'm into my 8th week on them (20mg) and they have made a difference if I'm honest. A GP could prescribe a short course of Diazepam to cover the first couple of weeks on Citalopram, just to take the edge off the anxiety. It might be worth asking about. I use Diazepam, but it's on an 'as and when' basis.

Meds aren't the only answer - counselling and/or CBT is definitely worth asking about too. Anxiety can be beaten - it just takes a bit of patience and perseverance.

23-12-09, 20:39
Thank you :)
Thats ok then, i might start taking them tomorrow, is the morning a better time?, i dont go back to uni till the 20th Jan so hopefully all the side effects will be gone by then...(fingers crossed!).
Logan - actually i have about 4 diazepam tablets left from where i was using them before so that could be something, also i have a counselling appointment on 13jan :)

23-12-09, 20:43
I agree with everything AJS has said. I have taken 20mg per day for 5 weeks now and they have really helped. The first week or so you might not think they are helping but you have to keep thinking that they will in time so don't stop taking them (even if you feel a bit worse). Also, 10mg is a low dose from what i understand so dont be alarmed if your doctor says to go onto 20mg. The doctors only ever give you a month of tablets to start with, when i went at the end of my 1st month, he gave me two months and said to come back after that. He told me they are to be taken long term, minimum of 12 months maybe longer he reckons (in my case). The only other advice i can give you is that at some point you will have a day when you feel much better. That's really good but don't be too downhearted if the next day you don't feel as great. It's not like the flu where once you feel better you probably are better. In the short time i have been taking these i have found that the good spells gradually last longer than the bad spells. Patience is the key. Any questions just ask on here, lots of good people will help you.

23-12-09, 20:50
Just to add, i take mine first thing in the morning. I have read other people say that the tablets make them tired but i never found that.

23-12-09, 20:53
my pack said take one at night - but i decided to take mine in the morning as i didn't like the thought of being up during the night with side effects - i always feel when you have anxiety and panic - everything seems magnified during the night!
try this for some useful info on what you can do for citralopram side effects

if you have headaches you can take paracetamol - but it recommends you don't take ibuprofen.

thats good that you have diazepam left - these should help you if you are still having the panic and anxiety - my doc gave me beta blockers instead and they helped me - still taking the odd half a one just now when i know i may be getting panicky again.

Logan - it's really good to hear from someone who has been taking them for longer than me - have you found that you have your old self back, how much would you say they have helped you?

23-12-09, 21:08
AJS - I feel my 'old self' at times and whilst the Citalopram is helping, I'm still getting blips but fortunately these seem to be outnumbered by OK or better days. I'm currently on 20mg, but I'm probably going to head back to my GP next week to see if they'll up the dose a bit.

This is my 3rd time on Citalopram over the years and I've found it to be a good benefit. Just wish that I could get a CBT appointment overnight (as it were) rather than having to wait a while. In saying that, it's only been 2 weeks since my GP referred me.

23-12-09, 21:14
Thank you guys, its so nice to know theres people who understand so thank you :)
Going to take my first one tomorrow morn - wish me luck!

23-12-09, 22:10
emily - wishing you the best of luck - hopefully you won't need it. :hugs:

Thanks Logan for letting me know it helps long term - week 2 i felt great - then started to take a few steps back the past few days - but i had a long journey to worry about and i'm away from home just now - but as you say there are good days and bad days. Hopefully all you may need is an increased dose and that should sort you out.
I'm fortunate enough to have a voluntary service in my area of glasgow C.O.P.E (caring over peoples emotions)which can see you pretty quickly - you usually only wait a week to get an appt - it's just because of xmas just now - it's a great service for anyone struggling with any type of mental health issues etc - completely free and runs from donations. You should explore and see if there is anything in your area.

take care

23-12-09, 23:09
Thanks AJS. I'll check that out. Suspect though that the only local service, is MIND who I used to work for as a volunteer a few years ago. I'm going to try and make a point of getting back in touch with them as a service user, in the new year.

As I said - recovery seems to be about good days and not so good days. The good days can make you feel a bit complacent, so when a bad day comes it feels like a real set back. I guess though it's all about keeping some perspective and that any progress is still good, even if it's small steps.

If it will help, I'm running a kind of daily blog in the General Anxiety forum. It's been charting my progress over the last 3/4 weeks.


There is also this one from Poet which is a Citalopram survival guide. It's a good read too. :)


24-12-09, 21:18
hi guys, took the first one this morning, but dont feel as bad as i was expecting! Just been feelin a little more anxious and got a strange taste in my throat.
Ill go and have a look at your post in the other forum Logan. :)
and also hope you all have a stress/panic free xmas!

29-12-09, 21:56
Hi Emily - just wondered how you were getting on - i'm hoping things are going well for you and you had a nice christmas.

Logan - hope you had a nice christmas as well - thanks for the advice - i survived my time away from home and am back now and feeling a wee bit better each day - you're right take each day as it comes - some days are better - others not so good - but slowly the good days are outnumbering the worse ones.