View Full Version : Big HELLO and warm wishes to everyone

23-11-05, 14:22

I am astounded as to how many people are on this site and I just want to thank the curators of the site for providing us all with an extremely informative and interactive forum.

I am of the belief that my panic attacks started some years ago and have had them intermittently and varying intensities over the last 10 years or so. Hearing about all the various triggers that can be associated with this problem has led me to reason that mine maybe attributed to a moderate level of recreational drug use over the years. More notable by the fact that having abstained from anything in the last 7/8 yrs a couple of relapses recently seem to have brought on the same symptoms.

I wanted to know of anyone else who feels that there panic attacks may be of a similar cause and more generally if people suffer from headaches that can last for weeks/months???

Gratefully yours


23-11-05, 14:28
Hi Elton and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too!:D

I have lots of headaches, this headache has lasted for 6 days and painkillers don't seem to make it any better.

I hope that you start to feel better soon!

Take Care



23-11-05, 14:31
Hi Elton

A warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

23-11-05, 14:36
Hi to you all,

A few adminstrative problems (sorry for reposting your reply chucklehound which I have now duly deleted).

I wondered if you were aware of any natural remedies for headaches and whether you've used any?

Many thanks


23-11-05, 14:36
Hey Elton, welcome to the site! I only joined yesterday but I have found it so useful already and its so reassuring to know there are other people out there with the same problems as me as my friends and family find it hard to understand.

My panic attacks and agorophobia are a result of health anxiety but I can relate to the problem you are having with headaches. I had severe headaches on and off for a couple of years when i first started suffering with anxiety and panic attacks. At the time they really worried me but I now know it was just down to stress. Please try not to worry about them, I had headaches that lasted for days or weeks on end.

Hope you're ok, if you ever need to talk feel free to pm me.

Love Becca xxx

23-11-05, 14:42
Thanx Becca,;)

As everyone feels I'm sure its just so frustrating and debilitating at times when its at its worst.

Sorry to hear of your problem I'm sure I've developed a health anxiety certainly in the last month thinking I have tumour, blood clot etc etc. Getting all the necessary checks done to alleviate any fears.

Stay well and be positive


23-11-05, 14:46
hi there just wanted 2 say hello!i 2 suffer 4rm panic attacks so i know what ur goin through this site has been a great help 2 me and i hope u find it useful 2.if u ever need a chat feel free 2 pm me.tc and keep smilin:D luv mooxXx

23-11-05, 14:49
When I first started getting the panic attacks I didn't know what was going on as I was only 16, and combined with the headaches and complete lack of support from my GP i convinced myself I had a tumour. After having loads of tests which all came back clear I finally believed I was ok.

Good luck with the tests, they'll all come back fine and I hope when they do this will put your mind at rest.

Becca xxx

23-11-05, 14:54
Hi Elton,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of great advice here and make some good friends.

I used to suffer really bad with health anxiety, I recently did a CBT course which helped me a lot, it really is just a case of putting everything into perspective, instead of looking at the worst case senario all the time.

Also I find remaining positive and focused helps me a lot too.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-11-05, 14:59
hi Elton

Yes is the answer to your question! I strongly believe there i a connection although possibly the propensity/tendency is there anyway?

But then so many things contribute - all the chemicals we accidentaly imbibe one way or another can't help, the hormones in food etc etc...

I too have suffered (am suffering today) from persistent headaches. I'm currently sitting with a packet of antibiotics too afraid to take them cos I have horribly reactions sometimes but the doc thinks I have sinusitis. I'm not sure - I think everything i anxiety sometimes!!!

Hope you feel better soon - this board (which I joined yesterday!) is amazing - I feel almost normal:D

ps in the real world I AM normal[:O]


23-11-05, 15:06
Hi Becca,

I think I'm coming round to the thought that it isn't anything serious and thanks for your advice.

Do you have any pearls of wisdom for coping better with the variety of symptoms?



23-11-05, 15:09
Hi Fee,

Sorry to hear about your headaches they can be the most irritable of things.

Meds don't help me either quite frankly and I'm loathed to take too many anyway. Best form of respite I know is exercise, although it may only be a temporary relief the hope is that they will soon diminish.

Keep well


23-11-05, 15:39
Hi Elton

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-11-05, 15:44
Hi Elton,

Headaches can be caused by stress, and we get stressed because we are anxious and then get anxious because we are stressed, oh that viscious circle eh!!!.

Like you have said exercise is a good way to relieve the stress and also I find by keeping my mind occupied with other things, I forget all about being anxious, therefore the headaches disappear by themselves, as I don't like to take any types of meds unless I really do have to.

Feel free to pm me if you ever need a chat.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-11-05, 16:10
Hello Elton

Its seem from what you've written that you had a fair amount of recreational drugs for 2-3 years about 10 years ago but none for last 7-8 years. Is that right ?

Its very possible that they originally set things off and have accounted for some of the symptoms since.

How much is your more recent Health anxiety affecting you, with causing additional symptoms as well as worrying about the headaches ?

Headaches are very comon with anxiety/ stress anyway and are often impervious to analgisic help.

An Indian head massage or full massage often goes a long way to help as well as a good objective look at your life style including posture. The exercise is great alternated with active relaxation such as meditation/ yoga.


First Steps First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2098)
headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4794)
tender spots on head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4889)
Tension headaches! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5660)
ongoing headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6177)

I've been called many things - but never been called a curator before .. thanks !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-11-05, 16:28
Hi Elton

Welcome to the forum

You will get lots of great help

linda :D

23-11-05, 17:44
hi elton

welcome to the site. i can relate to the health anxiety and the headaches. anxiety comes with all the usual symptoms including headaches. stress and worry all contribute as we are all aware. trying to stay positive helps. try to think of realistic reasons instead of thinking the worst, alas, i know how hard this can be.(sigh). i cant really comment on the recreationl drugs as i myself have never dabbled. im sure you find some good advice and help here.

take care.x

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

23-11-05, 19:03
Welcome to the site Elton.

23-11-05, 19:44

Just wanted to welcome you aboard the forum and hope we can be of some help to you.


23-11-05, 22:50
Hey Elton, welcome. With ref to your question about natural hearache remedies, the best thing I have found is called 4Head. It comes in a little silver/pink tube and you can get it in most chemists. You rub it on your head where the pain is and it kind of freezez/numbs it, it really works well. It costs about £6 and they last for ages. hope this helps. Sus, x

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
Ralph Blum

24-11-05, 09:25
A big welcome to the site.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-11-05, 10:30
hi elton

welcome to the site

kazo xxx

26-11-05, 00:20
hi elton

a big welcome to the site.xxx

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

26-11-05, 01:45
[^]Hi Elton, welcome and thank you for posting to me. l suffer from bad headaches from time to time that will last about 2 weeks.
l am also a holistic therapist and l can tell you a few things that you might try. Relaxation is one thing you should give a try at. Also Bach flower remedies are wonderful but they treat the cause of the headache not the headache themselves. So if you think your headaches are from stress then a remedy called "rescue remedy" would be wonderful. l can tell you more about this if you want. Also energy healing is wonderful for stress such as Reiki etc..... We could even try it out sometime if you want as l can send distant healings of Reiki. Also you could try breathing exercises as this releases alot of tension and one last thing which might sound funny is to put two tennis balls under your neck to relieve the pressure in your neck. You just put two tennis balls in a sock or stocking and tie it so the balls don't move and then lay your neck on them. AHHHHH so relaxing.
lf l can be of more help just hollar.
Hugs, Cindy