View Full Version : Skin Cancer Fears!

23-12-09, 22:37
I am absolutely terrible this time of year and each Christmas convince myself just before that I have a cancer. This year I am convinced I have skin cancer.

About 6 weeks ago, I knocked the head off of what I think was a spot. I hadn't noticed anything there before, there certainly wasn't a mole as I know all my moles as I am so paranoid. Anyway whatever I knocked bled a lot and I just thought it must have been a bite or something.

It took ages to scab over and the scab evertually fell off around three weeks ago. I didn't pay much attention to it after that but have just noticed it is still inflammed and red and sore. Now I am freaking out that it is something nasty and I know I will be worried all over Christmas and ruin it!! I do this every year!

Anybody know what this is? I jys want reassurance so that I can stop freaking out.

Many thanks and Merry Christmas!


24-12-09, 10:38

This is really one of those things that a GP can tell you in 2 seconds flat. Obviously I'm not a doctor but it doesn't sound like skin cancer to me. I had a worry about a couple of moles that I was convinced had changed shape earlier this year and saw the doc, it's one of those things where can can be pretty confident there and then if something needs to be look at by a Dermatologist.

Needless to say my moles have not changed since and I'm no longer worried about them.


24-12-09, 14:20
Just sounds like a spot or bite to me. They can take an age to clear up and it is commen for them to be slightly red or inflammed. Try not to touch it at all and maybe pop a bit of antiseptic cream on it to help it heal. Try not to worry, it certainly does not sound like skin cancer. If you are really worried do you have an NHS walk in centre you can pop down to? They will be able to put your mind at rest in a second

24-12-09, 19:44
Many thanks for your replies, you have put my mind to rest. Have a great Christmas everyone x