View Full Version : having a bad few days :(

23-12-09, 22:48
Hi everyone,

Just felt like i needed to get some thoughts out of my head... I've been on prozac for 7weeks now and have felt really good for the last 4weeks - until the weekend just gone... all the thoughts about going to sleep and not waking up have come back, not as intensely as I had before but they are still there - yet again I feel like I am going mad and that every little ache and pain must mean something more than anxiety, a pulled muscle or the remnents of a chest infection that I have just gotten over! I KNOW that this is irrational thinking but the aches and pains ARE there and I cant get rid of the anxiety about them.

My current symptoms are:

Indigestion/constant burping/nausea - Bowel/Stomach Cancer
Throat Tightening - Throat Cancer or allergic reaction
Twinges in my chest - Heart attack etc
Back aching by right ribs - Lung Cancer
Piles & constipation - Bowel Cancer - again
Left arm feels strange - Heart again
Left elbow aches - god knows!

There are probably more but these are the main ones but the thing is - as irrational as it is to think that you have 100 different types of cancer there is still that niggling feeling that there really is something wrong but coincedently all the symptoms are the the same as anxiety.

I went to the doctor's today and they've upped my prozac to 40mg, my blood pressure was 124/84 & pulse was 81- which i'm told is fine. My bloods & urine all came back normal 6weeks ago so why do I still think that there is something that they are missing??

If anyone can offer any advice it'd be much appreciated.



24-12-09, 05:49
You poor love. It's so hard to get any perspective when you're feeling this bad, isn't it?

OK - first things first. If you took any of these symptoms to any doctor in the land, not one of them would be concerned. They might worry about your level of anxiety, but none of those symptoms would raise alarm bells about anything.

Yes - you do get nausea etc with nasty things like bowel cancer BUT secondary to other much more worrying symptoms like blood in stools, extreme diarrhoea etc. Sinister conditions have sinister symptoms. If they didn't, no one would ever be diagnosed with anything!

Even people without our worries feel all the things you describe - they just don't take any notice of them. We tend to sit around focusing on every single twinge, invariably making them worse.

Your fear that the doctors have "missed" something is entirely based on fear - it's not intuition. I swear I could have every diagnostic test known to man come back clear - and I'd STILL worry somehow.

I can't tell you not to worry, you will anyway - but I hope you can find some peace over Christmas. And, remember, you are not alone :)

24-12-09, 11:47
Hiya Bornworrier,

Thankyou for your reply, my rational mind knows everything you've said is true!! lol... and it really helps to know that we're not alone - i actually don't know what i would've done without this site, it is SO reassuring.

It's so true what you've said about the intuition thing - i've always felt that i have a really good intuition, most of the time i trust my gut feeling and i'm right so it's so hard to accept that this time i'm wrong. I really have had such a good few weeks with the odd panic attack - I can deal with those little hiccups though, well, kind of, I feel that if i've not had an attack for a week or so i forget what attacks were like and then start worrying again that it's something else... but my partner gets me through that.

Thank you so much for your reassuring and comforting words... I hope you too have a lovely panic free christmas!!
