View Full Version : xmas and am sittin ere sobbing ma eyes out obsessing over scary symptoms

24-12-09, 01:33
:weep: i really dnno wot to do anymore

it started a couple months ago i would be sitting down for a long period of time and would get sudden warning pain signs then excrutiating pain ripping thru my chest and back which only helped if i got up or lay down with urges 2 go the loo after but would take a while 2 go

that seems 2 have gone now i have EVERY SINGLE DAY where im dizzy the floor goes up and down if i tilt my head 2 one side i think im gonna fall over, severe weakness tiredness feels like my airwaves are smaller especially when ive been sitting for a while and get up chest is heavier feels like my lungs wont open properly and pains in my chest and my head,

it feels like my heart is weak and dosent quite make the beat sometimes which makes me even dizzier see tiny bright lights apearing in ma vision that come and go quick, feel pains in my jaw am thinking ALL the time im going 2 die :weep:

to top this off i have a imprint of a light in my vision which has been there for 6 days and wont go ive been docs had ecg nothing, blood tests nothing i truly wanna believe its anxiety

i cant take it anymore am at my wits end and its christmas for gods sake :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

can someone help me anyone who can give me advice i wanna be alive 2 spend xmas with my family :weep:

24-12-09, 01:53
Hey Rob,

I'm sorry to hear you've been going through all of this :(

I was gunna say, maybe go see an optician and get your eyes checked out, they may be able to help you with the light imprint. Worth a try, eh hun.

Take care the now hunni bunch,

Chrissy xx

24-12-09, 02:01
just feels like am waitingg to die are hear it is this is it no wait here this time i got a bit longer its early stages will be soon :( is all the timein my head cant stop thinking it :(

24-12-09, 04:17
Sorry you're feeling so awful. I'm really struggling right now too. I'm so upset that it's Christmas and I can't focus on anything but my health anxiety. My thinking is right along yours right now and I hate it. Why can't we just shut this off and enjoy life? Aghh!

24-12-09, 10:01
Could you go back to your gp again and tell him that you are not going to just put up with how you are feeling and ask for further tests to be done. You won't die from what you have (I understand that you feel anxious however) but you don't need to suffer as you are doing.
What about changing to another gp and seeing what their help is like?
Trapped nerve and disc problems in the back and neck can cause some of the symptoms you describe.
I feel sorry for you having to put up with what you are suffering with.
If it were me - I would keep going back to my gp or get a new one and ask for a second opinion.
Hugs to you