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View Full Version : Does CBT work?

23-11-05, 14:30
Hi everyone, i'm thinking of asking my doctor to refer me to have CBT. I've been given medication for my anxiety, agorophobia and panic attacks but i feel i need some help rationalising the thoughts which bring on my anxiety in the first place.

I've suffered for 5 years now, sometimes i get better then something will trigger it all off again.

I'd love to hear your experiences with CBT and whether you think it's worth while

Love Becca xx

23-11-05, 15:02
Hi Becca,

I did a CBT course a few months ago for my health anxieties, and I would recommend it to anyone, it really turned my way of thinking about things around, and I would say I am 95% better with my health worries now, I am able to think more logically about them.

Feel free to pm me if you need a chat any time.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-11-05, 15:32

I think you will benefit greatly from it. I had it many years ago and have just been referred for some more because I have very specific driving issues that need resolving.

Get on the waiting list asap cos it could be long.


23-11-05, 17:02
Maxine's cbt progress. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2308)
CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5287)
Starting CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5323)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-11-05, 19:10

im due to start cbt this friday. i have had so many positive feedbacks about this treatment. so i dont know but i will let you know but i would certainly ask your gp about a referral.

take care.

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

23-11-05, 22:00
For me it didn't make any difference to my problems. BUT, it is all about pushing and challenging yourself and I have to admit that I wasn't very good at it! [:I]

Also, when having therapy on the NHS, you are only allocated so many sessions and I felt that I needed many more sessions before i noticed any improvement.

I think I must just be a hopeless case though as the majority of people have found CBT to be a really big help.


23-11-05, 22:18
Hi Becca,
I think CBT is very worthwhile. It has really helped me alot, you have to put alot of hard work in but if you are prepared to do that then go for it.
It took four to six sessions before I really started to see much (although this varies for everyone) benefit so it does take time and perseverence.


24-11-05, 00:49
Hi Becca

I had CBT years ago, and it really helped me, it challenged the way i was thinking and pushed me back into normal life again.

I study psychology at uni and in all my clinical psychology lectures they rave about CBT, apparantly its the most successful treatment of anxiety and depression other than meds! There can be long waiting lists for it, but it depends where you are, i only had to wait a couple of weeks, doesnt seem to be much demand in rural dorset lol, but in towns and cities there could be quite a wait so i guess going on the waiting list sooner rather than later might be a good idea!

Good luck with it


25-11-05, 13:09
Hi all

Certainly sounds as if CBT is the way forward for so many people. I'm in the process of arranging my first appointment...just wish it wasn't so expensive:(

Jem xxx

31-03-11, 19:15
I start CBT tomorrow after 10 years of psychotherapy, councelling, hypnotherapy, Antidepressants. I'm in Dorset and am getting it on the NHS. Does it really work?

Hi Becca

I had CBT years ago, and it really helped me, it challenged the way i was thinking and pushed me back into normal life again.

I study psychology at uni and in all my clinical psychology lectures they rave about CBT, apparantly its the most successful treatment of anxiety and depression other than meds! There can be long waiting lists for it, but it depends where you are, i only had to wait a couple of weeks, doesnt seem to be much demand in rural dorset lol, but in towns and cities there could be quite a wait so i guess going on the waiting list sooner rather than later might be a good idea!

Good luck with it


01-05-11, 17:45
I had CBT years ago. Without it I would have never beaten depression - go for it! NHS services like this are hard to get your hands on, so take full advantage of them when offered :o)

01-05-11, 18:41
Well for most people it is extremely successful. But it really can depend on the therapist you get and the type of problem you have. I think if you have a specific anxiety related problem like social anxiety, it is very very good. But the downside is that it is virtually impossible to get it on the NHS unles you wait 16 months or if you are self-harming etc. It is very frustrating!

Most people have to pay around £60 - £75 an hour. Well that is my experience. But it is certainly worth it because you usually only need about 6 sessions. Just make sure you do the homework and commit to it fully!

Look into MBCT aswell (Mindfulness based cognitive therapy). I think traditional CBT is starting to move into this area.

01-05-11, 18:58

I have just finished my CBT for anxiety. It is good but you have to put a lot into it yourself. You will not get cured by JUST attending the sessions.

You have to put what you have learn't into practise.

I found it very good and someone you can talk to who understands what you are going through.

It has NOT cured me completely but it has helped.

Hope this helps.


02-05-11, 10:22
I had CBT on the NHS years ago and it helped me a lot. I was told, at the time, that unless I did everything I was asked then my obsessions would creep back in. I didn't do everything and I am still obsessive but I'm able to cope with it better than before the CBT. Obsessions and compulsions change so just having some basic knowledge of how to deal with them is really beneficial :)