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24-12-09, 08:57
Hi good morning all and happy christmas.

I just wanted to ask you if this was normal for an anxiety sufferer to suffer from all in one go I have had very bad anxiety for the past few days especially about my heart or something heppening to it I just need some re-assurance that this is anxiety ok here goes: This is what I have been feeling the past 6 days now.

1. Sick to the point of wanting to vomit
2. butterflies in stomach coming up to throat
3. rush of fear
4. chest pain
5. back pain
6. dry throat
7. snappy
8. moody
9. dry mouth
10. not wanting to move.
11. blurred vision.
12. racing heart.
12. skipped beats.

I think that about it but it ruining my chritmas for my kids I thought that I had this under control, but it seems to have gotten the better of me I am thinking about going to the GP before xmas just so he can listen to my heart and re-assure me that I am ok, but I dont want to waste his time when someone could really need to see him with something that isnt imaginary.

If I was having a heart attack surely it would have happened by now I would'nt have had chest pain for 6 days.

Any answers will be very much appreciated.

While I am on here I just wanted to share a site that I found which is free and has got bags of info that is used by GP's regarding anxiety.



Veronica H
24-12-09, 09:32
Yes afraid this is about what you would expect with anxiety.:bighug1:There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



24-12-09, 09:33
Hun that is all VERY normal anxiety symptoms... Please try and keep that in mind :)

If you were having a heart attack, it definatly would have happened by now. They are just anxiety symptoms, not heart attack symptoms.

Merry xmas. xx

24-12-09, 09:47
Thanks for the replies I have been completely frozen and terrified in fear about collapsing in a big heap on the floor with a heart attack, sounds so stupid I know I am trying the beat anxiety myself without pills as I dont want to mask the symptoms that are they I want to fight them.

Its just a set back I am getting to the point of not going to sleep at night for fear that I wont wake up again but for the past three nights that I have not wanted to sleep for fear of waking I can say that I made it through those nights.

I think I just need to have move real problems than imaginary ones and then i would have something to really worry about, god how our minds work.

Thanks again happy christmas sarah x

24-12-09, 10:27
Hi, i have had all those symptoms, constant for a week or two.
Went to the ER two days ago for a good check up, the diagnose there was anxiety and stress.
I am really sorry that you feel this way, i know how hard it is to cope.

24-12-09, 11:41
Sarah and Dazo, do as Veronica says and get that book! it couldn't of helped me more. you will get through this :)