View Full Version : Feeling really dizzy lightheaded

anx mum
24-12-09, 11:56
For the last few days been feeling really dizzy esp when i move around really scaring me going bk 2 docs to see whats going on

24-12-09, 12:07
you poor love you are going through i t hope doc gives you all clear lov maggie

anx mum
24-12-09, 12:26
never bloody ends does it when i walk around feel dizzy. Taking pregabalin dont know if its that. Hows u?

24-12-09, 12:58
Hi Bev!
sorry you are feeling dizzy. it's rubbish isn't it? My balance is SO bad just now. Feel like I'm going to fall over all the time. Makes me panic big time. Hope yours goes off soon. I see you had your scan. Maybe it's stress worrying about results?

24-12-09, 13:12
ok bit tense posted a thread wanting to know if ok to have glass wine with propanadol 1 reply and he dodnt know just my luck hope your ok soon xx

24-12-09, 13:21
Hi Bev,
Im the same at the moment, 1 min im just feeling a little off balance, and then it feels like the room is spinning....let us know how u get on at the docs.

Debs xx

anx mum
24-12-09, 18:05
hi maggie not sure bout drinking with tablets im sure a glass will b fine. To debs doc has given me antibiotics now cos glands r up feel so shit. How r u?

24-12-09, 19:42
hope your ok bev hun thinking of you and have as fab a christmas as you can xxx

sarah jayne
24-12-09, 21:13
When i was on pregabalin it made me dizzy. Hope ur ok and have a lovely xmas xxx