View Full Version : Something made me angry

24-12-09, 12:58
I found myself getting worked up and annoyed over yobs hanging about near where I stay. A few days back my parents house was attacked by vandals with spray paint and will probably have to wait until after Christmas to get it cleaned up. Not nice when I'm still staying here..

It's one of those things that gives me nightmares as they have done others houses before but it eventually got cleaned..just not very nice when it happens.

Anybody else experienced similar? Just makes me want to move out and get my own place soon.

24-12-09, 14:41
Unfortunately Phil some people are just mindless i mean you cant get anything out of spray paint surely and its difficult to catch them
I think a lot of us have had problems with bad neighbours etc i know i have and it can get you down trying to sort the problem out try not to let it get you down okay
take care

Yep I know..2 days before Christmas it happened just makes you wonder what's up with people these days. It's quite sad that's all young people have to do in there holidays. :unsure:

24-12-09, 15:23

Hell yeah i can relate to this. Some kids are an absolute disgrace and don't care who or what they destroy in the name of 'fun'.
It's a shame because there are some lovely kids out there too that deserve a decent community to live in but it's impossible due to the ones who choose cause havock wherever they go.
