View Full Version : moles, I'm panicing, thoughts of dying

24-12-09, 13:05
please help; I think one of my moles has changed and my mum doesn't. she says it looks fine and normal. I'm panicing it looks like it ever so slightly changed since I accidentaly shaved it recently. Just maybe changed in colour a bit, looks like the edges have changed to a lighter brown, I'm really scared. :scared15: keep imagining it cancer, then being told its terminal.. i can't cope, im shaking, and crying.. i cant go see the doctor she'll be angry and even if i need to its xmas:scared15:

24-12-09, 13:55
please help?

24-12-09, 14:03
You probably cut it a bit and that's why it's changed colour. I really wouldn't worry but keep an eye on it - it should heal and go back to how it was before. It it still looks odd then visit your GP so they can have a look. But it just sounds as though you've broken the skin a bit and that's why it's a bit different.

Sure it'll be OK.

24-12-09, 14:11
I am positive it is fine, especially if your mum says it looks fine - your mum of all people would want you to get anything checked out if she was worried so if she is happy then I am sure it is fine. As you shaved it it is bound to be slightly different as it heals - and you should be aware of moles that become darker and you said it actually looks lighter than it did in the beginning so that sounds fine. I spoke to a friends mum who had skin cancer and she said if a mole changed then you would know about it - it would be very obvious. You nned to look out for itching, bleeding, changing in shape and colour and as you have none of these things, you sound like it is absolutely fine

24-12-09, 15:28
Hey daisycake
I have a massive mole and i had all the thoughts and fears your having now...and i must admit when i'm low i start to think about it and worry!
My doctor said i could have it removed but i was soo nervous at the time i didn't want that to happen. So he said i could go home take a picture of it and check it now and then for change.
I'll get to the point....when i check and compare it to the picture my mind tells me that it looks worse then it is and its changed, so i get a family member to look and they tell me there's no change at all and it looks the same!
I think we sometimes go looking for the worst and convince ourselfs so much that something is wrong that we're not the best people to make a judgement.
Take care and believe in your mum...if she says it looks the same then i bet it does! :)
Tel x