View Full Version : University, what next?

23-11-05, 19:03

As a rule now I am trying not to use forum's too much, as I find them detrimental to my progress, however, I think that this is the only "safe" way to get people's opinions right now.

Just wondered what anybody else's experience with finding a career after Uni, deciding what to do next was like?!

I am struggling with who to talk to at the moment!! I have a problem deciding what career I am interested in... which, the logical step would be to see the career's people, however, I know my personal issues will intefere with anything I am considering here. (Depression, Anxiety, and just general rubbishness as a person!) And the biggest problem at the moment (other than my attachment issue is the social phobia and anxiety, the rest of it can be brushed under the carpet to some extent, but this can't.

Also, there's the idea of doing a Postgrad course, which really appealed to me before, but now my dissertation is going badly, I am not so sure. That and I will need support from a tutor here, and the only person I can see doing that for me, I am supposed to be avoiding. I am also not sure if this is what I want to do... Gap year or not, I need to decide before what's happening.

I have tried talking to therapists, and whatever about these issues, but I am being rather shunted around, because all of the issues blur in, psychological, career choices, and the opportunity of further study. I was wondering if anyone had any advice, as much as anyone having person experience really, as I'm scared.

Sorry, I'm just desperate, and don't want to be in a situation next year doing some job I don't really want just to survive, or whatever.

25-11-05, 12:05
Hey Hannah,

Think about where you want to be in 10 years time. You know even when you do get a job, if you dont like it you can leave and get another. After college I did a post grad course then I went to America for a year, was really good for me and something I wouldnt be able to do nowadays so glad I took the chance. If anything comes up and you think should I or shouldnt I, do it. Take a chance and enjoy it, do things that will enrich your life and please you. If they dont or after a while you change your mind you can always move on till you find something you really like.

Sus, x

25-11-05, 12:19
Nothing is ever stuck in stone mate - if you don't like what you choose then you just choose again and again and again, till you find what's right for you.

Bit like choosing the right bra, you know when you've got it right cos you feel incredibly comfortable and supported and free to be YOU, don't forget your size can change throughout your life, so off you go again and find another decent bra!

I'm a big one for analogies - can you tell lol!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-11-05, 17:54
Thanks for your advice. I guess I am just worrying unnecessarily. It is just so hard to make the right decision. However much I want to do Postgrad, I think I do need to have my gap year first, and can maybe apply then, because I don't believe I will get the support I need from anyone here at the moment.

Thank you all again.

Hannah x

25-11-05, 18:30
There you go then - you sound sure to me now and maybe a gap year is just what you need. After all Uni isn't going anywhere, it will still be there to go back to.

Take care mate :D

Love Pig xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-11-05, 18:30
Oh and I meant to say have a lovely time at the conference:D:D