View Full Version : Worried I have an infection:-(

24-12-09, 20:50
I had a termination nearly 2 weeks ago, I had amoxicillin for a week and started bleeding after 6 days, the bleeding lasted about 5 days and was fairly light. I stopped bleeding a couple of days ago, and today I noticed I had some discharge, not very often but a couple of times today I have had a feeling of abit of discharge down there and when I have looked it is yellowy/orange tinge, which doesn't smell at all. My husband said the nurse said it would smell if I had an infection so not to worry, it is probably just the end of the 'stuff' coming away from me.

I am worried sick now though that it means I have an infection. When I saw my GP last week, he said that I would have a fever and a smelly discharge coming from me if I had an infection. I was scared of haemoraging and he said the only time now I could haemorage is if I had an infection, but he said I would really know about it.

I am so scared now, would yellowish discharge be normal at this stage after the bleeding you think??:weep: I am just so worried I will haemorage or something:blush:

I am already having a crap time with my IBS over the last few days, last thing I need is this worry at christmas. I want to be happy for my children:weep:

24-12-09, 21:51
hmm maybe you could see a gynecologist? and they could take a sample to see if it's a infection or not.
i don't think you should be too worried as normally if you had any sort of bacterial infection down there it would smell bad n infections normally give you a fever.

24-12-09, 23:11
I am just worried with it being christmas if i should leave it? but I was told unless i burn up with a high fever and have a smelly discharge not to worry,and that everything else was normal.

24-12-09, 23:29
It will clear up Aimee so dont let it spoil your Christmas .You would certainly know if you had an infection .I had a coil fitted years ago and I had the same for a while after the bleeding ,Have a very Happy Christmas and new year Luv Sue xx

24-12-09, 23:48
Thanks Sue,

You are so helpful, as always.

Have a good christmas xxxxxxx

25-12-09, 09:17
You poor love. You're really struggling at the moment, aren't you?

If you had an infection you would be very unwell and running a fever. You know when you're in hospital, they keep checking your temperature? This is to look specifically for infections. No fever = no infection.

Also, anything from "down there" of a sinister nature would smell nasty, and probably burn on it's way out.

If you feel well (aside from the anxiety), and wanting to eat etc - then you ARE well. Promise :)

25-12-09, 10:45
Thank you.

Yeh as a nurse I do know that you would be running a fever, it is just my anxiety since the op has got abit to the surface again and at times i find it hard to relax, which isn't nice at all.

I feel fine today, totally relaxed and well, even the IBS is letting up abit:-)

Thanks for replying hun xxxx

magpie girl
25-12-09, 19:18
hi aimee it sounds like you have thrush from the antibiotics,try using canestan cream or go see ur gp who will most likley give you diflucan or a pessery.I dont think its an infection as you completed the course and you sufferd no heavy bleeding

fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 19:21
Hi poor you. Look up and ring NHS Direct they are there all the time and they will reassure you or get you a Doctor out 24/7 even today.

As a guy I cannot offer advice as it is not a guy thing but worry and fear is often ill founded and makes it worse by worrying it might be bad, so ring NHS Direct NOW. A very merry Xmas to you.

God bless


25-12-09, 20:36

I don't like to use NHS Direct so shall see how it goes.

Oh yes it could be thrush, it actually does feel abit like it at times. I usually get yellow discharge with thrush, I shall get an oral tablet tomorrow, usually clears it up quickly.

I have GP again Thursday regarding something else she wanted me back about, so I shall ask her if I still have symptoms.

I had nothing really all day then this evening I had a line of dark yellow discharge on my pad and then when I wiped it was a slippery clear discharge, with a smear of yellow/brown like blood smeared in it. Maybe it is just the end of the 'stuff' coming away from me. It doesn't smell at all.

27-12-09, 04:03
Im still worrying:((

Discharge became more frequent yesterdsy anfd like a dark yellow stretchy consistancy. I rang the Marie Stopes aftercare line and the nurse said its normal and not to worry umless it smella. Im still worrying though as it has increased so maybe it is an infection:((