View Full Version : Hello everybody!!!

23-11-05, 20:37
Hello all. I am slightly disheartened as I wrote a very long intro and then as a went to send it said there was a problem and I went back and my message had gone! So now I am going to try again...It may not be written so well as it took a lot outta me![Sigh...]

So Hi I am relatively new to this site. I went in the chatroom a few times but from what I understand there were some problems?[?] I found it very interesting and helpful so I was wondering if it is alright to use again?[?] Anyway I decided I should introduce myself properly, even though it is scary writing down your problems at first.
I suffer from OCD, anxiety and sometimes I think and feel I could be sinking into depression. Of course one perpetuates the other. The more anxious I am the worse my OCD gets, as I have to so rituals to help my anxiety, and the worse my OCD is the more anxious I become about doing it so much! I could date back my OCD. I have had significant loss and some problems in my life and I am still quite young. However I can not attribute all my anxiety to these things as I have always been an anxious person..(or should I say I am a person who is temporarily suffering from anxiety (re-training thought patterns an all that!!;))) I really don’t know how temporary it is though! I have had OCD for 10 years, which obviously linked to anxiety but I feel in general anxiety has got worse in the last year or two. Ill give you an example...I worry to stupid extents about annoying people, I will get myself into a state and then when I know their not I can relax. That is just one example.
I am a university student and when I was in college I was an insomniac for a while...[|)]I still find it difficult to sleep sometimes but not to that extent. I haven’t ever been to see a gp or counsellor as I don’t really want to talk about some things and I know it sounds silly but one of my anxieties is speaking to a counsellor or something. Its just such a big thing to do even though it is probably a good idea. So I have never been on medication. I think I would prefer to solve these issues without them. I dunno. I have found this site a great comfort. Most people see me as happy go lucky and confident even though inside I’m not. They don’t see my anxious side... (I don’t mind them not seeing the anxious me at all!!). I have a great bunch of mates but I don’t think they can truly understand if they have never suffered from it. Some know about my OCD etc but not to what extent and how much it upsets me. I don’t suffer from panic attacks even though I have been near. I tend to just think and think, I don’t just randomly have attacks.
Anyway as you can tell by the name I get paranoid and now I think I am rambling too much so I am going to go.
I would just like to thank to administrators for the site and all their hard work.
Hi everyone, Take care
k_paranoid xx:D


23-11-05, 21:32
hi K

a big welcome to the site. im know you will find some great help and advice here.

take care.x

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

23-11-05, 21:42
Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some good friends.

Take care
Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-11-05, 22:14
hi and welcome ....mazzx

23-11-05, 22:46
Hi K

Welcome aboard.

Yes it is fine to go back in the chat room now - I think we have sorted the issues out.

Hope you can get some help on here.


23-11-05, 22:48
Hi kparanoid,

good luck here, its a lot of help.

Sus, xx

24-11-05, 06:24
Hi K and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too!:D

Take Care



24-11-05, 07:13
hi k
welcome to this site


24-11-05, 07:53
A warm welcome to the site K



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

24-11-05, 08:31
hiya!welcome 2 the site and i may c u in chat sometime!take care and keep smilin:D
luv mooxXx

24-11-05, 09:23
A big welcome to the site:)

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-11-05, 10:31
hi and welcome kazo xxx

24-11-05, 10:31
This is a super site,you will get lots of help and support.


24-11-05, 10:45
Hiya K
Welcome, nice to see on the forums as well as in chat
take care xx

24-11-05, 12:26
Hello K paranoid,

Glad you've settled in ok here.

If you're having trouble making progress alone you can try to see if the uni has a self help support group. You will not be the only one who is struggling although it may feel tat way sometimes.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-11-05, 15:35
Hi K Paranoid

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-11-05, 22:57
A warm welcome to you:D:D:D

Jem xxx