View Full Version : Merry Christmas

25-12-09, 05:36
As Christmas is finally here and another year almost gone, I feel sad that another year has come and gone and we are still suffering with HA. I am glad to be alive, to have a great family and to have all of you. I have never met any of you and probably never will but in some ways I am closer to you people than I am to people I have known my entire life. Until I found this forum I thought I was alone and would surely either die from one of the many things I am sure I have or would finally just lose my mind. I can't count how many times this site has brought me back from the brink of rushing to the ER or googling more symptoms. As I site here with weird pains in my feet, one hand freezing for no reason and partially convinced that I must have a nervous disorder or a tumor; I know that I am not alone and that there are people out there who will listen and not judge. So thank you all, keep up the fight and may God bless us all.


25-12-09, 14:31
:hugs:That was a wonderful post:yesyes:
In a nutshell you described the feelings of many on here:hugs:
We are closer to others on here because WE understand that we all suffer 'wierd feelings'
And NO ONE on here will make us feel stupid - no matter how bizzarre are fears sound.
quote+ I know that I am not alone and that there are people out there who will listen and not judge. So thank you all, keep up the fight and may God bless us all.

Thank you for that wish:hugs:
Best wishes

25-12-09, 17:51
I agree, bless this board. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the moderators here and wish everyone a beautiful holiday. Everyone here is so nice...we are sensitive creatures, moreso than most people I think and I have met the warmest people on this board. Also delightful to meet so many people from all over the world which I normally wouldn't encounter.

May this new year bring us closer to conquering this troublesome condition we all have.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone. Hugs, Lauren

fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 18:00
Well said. Only those who have suffered mental health problems know what is like and those who have not shun those with them.

For over 46 years I have believed the best way froward is for like sufferes to help each other and sod everyone else. Finding this site only a few days back and the posts and pms etc I have seen and got proe this is correct. Despite many suffering so much they try so had through loe, care and understanding to hel pall on here.

A big thank you and a Very Merry Christmas to you all. With nothing a few days to look forward to I am now hell bent on the New Year being a good one and helping as many fellow suffers into the same good future as I can. I know in my case it is going to be hard but I am determined it will happen.


Cell block H fan
25-12-09, 18:35
Great post! Merry christmas everyone. I hope the big day itself has given us all even a little bit of a destraction from the Ebeneza HA! Enjoy the rest of the festivities. And here's hoping for a stress free 2010 ey! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-09, 18:51
my friend you alone i am siting ear alone, every body seems to be having a good time and good on them, why not .but as with you, i have ha and pains, i can/t join in but the pains are getting less each day slowly but for the frist time in 5 years i am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. to me theres a brickwall and as soon as get to the near top i slip back down to bottom, never seeing whats on the other side ,but now to me it feels like i am not slipping all the way down , but only half down ,one day i will and you will and every body who as this disease will get over that wall and see ,the other side of the wall which is normal life. merry christmas to yourself ,and everybody on this site, and god bless everyone .

sarah jayne
25-12-09, 20:15
What a good post. I agree with everything that you have said. This has been my worst xmas ever, ive been anxious and in pain all day but ive tried to put a happy face on for my family, its been hard but im determined that i will get better. Merry xmas everyone xxx

25-12-09, 20:18
Great post.

I feel sad that a year on and I am still battling a few demons with HA. I had a racing heart spell earlier (I know the alcohol and anxiety does that to me) I debated going to hospital, but pulled myself together and came on here.

Lets hope 2010 is a good year for us all, and that we learn how to cope with the horror that is Health Anxiety.

Merry Christmas and love to my fellow HA sufferers

27-12-09, 02:23
Thanks to everyone who has posted to this thread. It makes me feel better knowing that the people on this board have so much compassion. This board is the only thing that keeps me sane some days.

Thank you!