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View Full Version : Acid Reflux (scared its somthing more)

25-12-09, 16:43
hello i recently posted about my chest pains ive been getting for almost a year now off and on tho im still worried its somthing more...
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=66505 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=66505) since my last post
i havent been able to eat or sleep.. i just know i have lung cancer or somthing and im so worried.. all my friends tell me it sounds like acid reflux ..:weep: i am hoping to find other people with bad cases of acid reflux to talk to.. maybe that would make me feel better... i need some comfort :weep: thanks for reading guys

Cell block H fan
25-12-09, 18:55
hello i recently posted about my chest pains ive been getting for almost a year now off and on tho im still worried its somthing more...
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=66505 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=66505) since my last post
i havent been able to eat or sleep.. i just know i have lung cancer or somthing and im so worried.. all my friends tell me it sounds like acid reflux ..:weep: i am hoping to find other people with bad cases of acid reflux to talk to.. maybe that would make me feel better... i need some comfort :weep: thanks for reading guys

Hi Malv,
At 23 you are more likely to win the lottery than have lung cancer. Not that its probably any consolation, but I dated a doctor(Gp) about 6 years ago, & I asked him how old the youngest person was he knew that had lung cancer. He said at their surgery it was age 40.
I'm aware this damn health anxiety has us believing we will be the unlucky one & break the averages! I myself was convinced I had breast cancer age 24. Even though once again I would have had more chance of winning the lottery at the time!
The length of time you have had these chest pains too, also indicates its not anything as serious.
I'm definately no expert, I haven't googled illnesses & symptoms for years because it sends me crazy, but it does sound like you probably have that chest muscle problem. I think its the muscles between the ribs? They do the ol spasm thing. I only think that because ive had something similar off & on for a couple of years myself. Mine always seems to be only on one side though most of them time. And its happened for so long I have to admit it doesn't worry me now because of that reason.
Keep on at the doctors to get a proper answer though. You've had the chest scan did you say? If so, if you think logically, something like lung cancer would show up on that. I'm not even convinced its acid reflux? I had that when pregnant & I didn't get chest pains with it.
And well done for giving up smoking! I am quite jealous. Because of what that doctor told me years ago, I figured I should of stopped smoking age 30 (he gave me patches bless him) as it takes about 10 years to half the risk of smoking related diseases after you've stopped. But I'm now 38 & still smoking!!! So new years day is my stop smoking day! I shall start a thread early next week to see if anyone else is going to give it a go this new year too.
At 23 you have looooads of time in reality before smoking will affect you long term. If you do stop now, you're on to a winner! But being a HA sufferrer I know thats easy for someone apart from yourself to say!
Sorry, I rambled on a bit there :blush:

magpie girl
25-12-09, 19:28
hi malv i suffer chronic reflux disease:weep::weep:, the pains can get horrendus from the burning,to the heavy feeling on your heart.I get constant trapped wind from the acid,so i feel like im having a heart attack when its trapped in my chest.I have days when i cannot eat and have to take anti sickness tablets,lanzoprazole,zantac and gaviscon.Different foods can trigger it,anxietyand stress are main triggers,but then it can just flair up for no apparent reason:weep: Most meds can help control it once the sickness is under control the key is not to worry about it as worry triggers more acid

25-12-09, 19:30
Hi Malv

yes i get this and i can be doubled up in pain with it and convinced i am having a heart attack. I have even been to emg doc a few times because of it and like you, acid relux is the cause.
I take Zantac for mine and it does work but i really do sympathise with you because it is a very scary thing to get.

Hope you get something that will work again
Take care

25-12-09, 19:51
Just to add something, if you have to buy zantac, go to tesco or any supermarket and buy their own brand.
Tesco do 12 ranitidine for £1.64 or morrisons 99p for 6....a lot cheaper and the same ingredient as zantac.

25-12-09, 19:57
I get mine on prescription Mick but glad you posted because alot of people may not have thought of getting own brand names!
Good call mate

26-12-09, 06:16
thank you everyone who replied i am going to try to stop thinking about it... im scaring myself im more scared then it hurts i think... im so scared.. its just like a pain in my chest im just so scared its lung cancer.. thats my biggest fear in the world.. thanks everyone for trying to make me feel better

26-12-09, 12:55
You sound so like me apart from the fact I am convinced I have stomach cancer as the main symptoms of that are nausea, pain and acid and indigestion.

I take Omprazole everyday for about 2 years and have read taking it long term (more than 3 months) can cause stomach cancer so at the moment that is what I am stressing about. I feel sick all the time and I have constant wind from stomach to just above pubic bone and it's really painful. Been going on for months and the wind never goes and neither does the nausea for long.

Have your tried ranitadine (get a pack from the poundshop). Also if you want to try Omeprazole you can buy it in boots, it costs about £10 for a weeks supply but as this is what the Dr's prescrive for acid at least you would know if it works before seeing them?

26-12-09, 20:50
acid reflux has been causing me awful, awful chest pains. I now have prescription medicine for it. it is getting slighly better.

26-12-09, 21:02
Well thank you everyone who replied i am starting to feel slightly better about this whole thing.. plus everyone agrees im to young and its really rare id have lung cancer...i am taking new meds now.. somthing called previcid.. i am hoping that this will start to work soon.. to i have hopes and my fingers are crossed!! i am also giving up smoking caffine and spicey foods(wich i love) i havent had any of the things above in almost a week and thats a long time for me!:hugs:

02-01-10, 01:42
well i am still abit worried ... i have been having chest pains... anyways i started taking a new medication i started taking previcid after not taking it for a few years... the pain lessoned abit tho the spot where the pain was most at is still there.. it just dosent hurt that bad... anyways for the past few days ive been so happy thinking yay maybe i dont have lung cancer!! but i realised today that the pain is still there andits not really going away... its just not as bad... im still taking my acid reflux medication.. i havent been taking it for a week yet... nearly but not a week... the pain seems to be steady ... but not as bad as it way! its coming from one spot nearly in the middle of my chest but alittle twards my right arm... anyways i have been feeling better about it but im starting to get down again... i was hoping for some supportive words:blush:

02-01-10, 01:50
PS. i havent been to the doctor i got the previcid from the chemist... its a medication i have taken before butit stopped working when i got this same chest pain thats not going away... my wife really believes its my acid reflux.. i pray to god she's right... im only 23.. i dont have lung cancer do i?

03-01-10, 19:07
So i went to the doctor this morning after being anxious about my chestpain for quite some time.. i told him its been about a year ive had this pain now ... i told him about my acid reflux ... he listened to my heart and lungs... my biggest fear was that i had lung cancer or somthing... my heart was fine he said that my lungs sounded fine to and there was nothing wrong with me.... im sure if i had lung cancer he would be able to hear somthing wrong with my lungs? right? i guess im fine.. about 2 years ago i had quite a few chest xrays... i guess if he thought i had somthing wrong with my lungs he would have ordered one? ... anyways im still inpain... he seems to think my chest pains are caused yb anxiety and stress more so then my acid reflux.. he was concerned so he gave me 2 medications for my stress and axiety... one is kinda like a chill pill i guess... so i guess i dont have lung cancer?? they even did a ekc to check my heart... anyways thanks for listening to me babble...:noangel:

04-01-10, 18:00
I've been suffering with Acid Reflux for the last couple of weeks on and off. I seem to get it when I'm stressing over something. I have heard a few things that help it are Apple cider vinegar, Granny Smiths apples, honey, slippery elm powder and crystalised ginger. I've been having a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and I think it does help a bit. I'm going to get some ginger and slippery elm powder. My sister has it too and she thinks a glass of milk a night helps and I've tried it too and it seems to.

I'm on omeprazole from the doctors which I take when it flares up but once it's gone I stop taking them and seem to be able to go without them for a bit until the next episode.:unsure: