View Full Version : fissure not healing

25-12-09, 19:21
For around 4 weeks maybe more I cant even remember myself its been so long have had blood on my stools/tissue. Not every day but most days. (You may have read a previous topic I made on the matter).

Now I have been to see one doctor and they said it sounds like piles and didnt examine me and just gave me some cream. This was working a bit and I didnt notice any blood for a week. then there was blood again so i made another appointment and the doctor examined me proper.

He said straight away it was a fissure (tear) and just said to change my diet and continue with the cream.

This was 12 days ago. Now I dont know if this is related but Monday just gone I woke up feeling sick and with stomach cramps and pains. If theres one thing I HATE its stomach problmes becuase it could be a hundred and one different things. Since then I have had on and off stomach pains which dont hurt really bad but their prominent and are worrying me. Could this be linked to the blood on my stool? Although the doctor said instantly it was a fissure.

How long will this take to heal if it is a fissure? Ive had it for 5-6 weeks maybe longer and its really annoying and worrying me now. It just doesnt heal and the blood on my stool is kind of concerening me.

Thanks, Sorry for the length of post.

fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 19:30
Go back to your Doctors and get him to run blood tests. Do not know your age but virtually all males have some level of prostrate cancer over the age of 50 and it is no problem and needs no treatemnt in 99% plus of cases. Even if treatment is needed that is often esasy and almost 100% effective. It could also be a renal problem if you are on certain painkillers long tem or some beta blockers and the like. Again nothing to worry about a series of about 6 standard blood tests from teo samples will show any problems up and a simple change in medication is usually all that is needed. As with all meds some suit some but for others it is hell. See it as the human equivalent of an MOT and that is how good GPs refer to it as.


25-12-09, 19:59
just relax if the doc thought it was something else, he would sent you for some test i will tell you a story of sisters, sisteringlaw she fell really ill this week, she had bloody diearar she was very ill and i mean ill off to hosp she went ,they thought she had the big c on the bowel ,bladder and lungs her father and two brothers had it , its in the famliy she a chain smoker,it ended up she had woughts on the bladder and a pollup on the bowel and the lungs are ok but no big c and she was very ill ,she had a job to walk and wasnt eating she/s ok now and back at home i am the saim as you, if you are if you have a bad illness, you wouldn/t get out of bed you have to trust the doc but by all means ,if you that worred go and see the doc, try not to worry best regards and just relax, piles for 20 yrs ,ha for 5 yrs and ibs for 3yrs steve, ps sorry about the spelling.

magic girl
25-12-09, 20:16
i had a fissure several years ago and it was very painful,my doctor gave me fibre gel(a powder you mix to make a drink)on prescription and it helped loads although it took several months for it to heal.i hope that helps

25-12-09, 21:15
Thanks for all the replies (on christmas day and all, Thanks)

Will have to have a look for this powder drink magic girl, thank you. And thank you Steven & Gordon, Really appreciate it.

Will probably try and make another appointment when the next one is available. I dont know why me, I eat 5 of my 5 a day nearly all the time, Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, rarely drink alcohol, Eat regular and balanced meals.

Can you request the doctor do a test on the bllod in stool or is it only if they think I need one? Would put my mind at ease. Wish I was at a private surgery lol.

26-12-09, 10:43
Hi there, i have had a fissure on and off for a year. It usually heals up after a couple of months and then i will start a new diet and it sets it off again. I don't worry about it anymore, fibre gel does help and liquid lactulose. Hope this helps.

26-12-09, 14:29
Do not know your age but virtually all males have some level of prostrate cancer over the age of 50 and it is no problem and needs no treatemnt in 99% plus of cases.

These sorts of comments are dangerous and can provoke panic. It's such a generalisation that it borders on irresponsible.

Please, I know you mean well, but you're not a doctor and to relate a fissure not healing to prostrate cancer will not help this member.

26-12-09, 18:05
Generally speaking, if it's bright red blood it won't have travelled from further up your digestive system, it is most likely to be a fissure. Try wetting the toilet paper when you wipe to avoid irritating it further. Drinking lots of water is a good idea to stop you getting constipated. The problem tends to be where it starts to heal and then a large or strangely shaped stool hits the area and stops it healing.

As for stomach cramps and pain, the mind and the guts are very closely related, hence nervous people often get dodgy tummys. If you are anxious about your digestive system, it's not unknown to get stomach cramps. Do go back to the doctor if you are still anxious though. Blood in stools is a very scary symptom but it's usually a superficial injury.

26-12-09, 19:23
You should go back to your GP and let him examine your tear (fissure) These can be incredibly painful. I had a severe one many years ago. I got to the point when I couldn't sit down and was using ice cubes for the pain. I was in hospital at the time and had previously refused to be examined. It was my psychiatrist at the hospital who diagnosed the fissure and I went to see a general surgeon and had a spincterotomy. This was done as an overnight stay in a different hospital. This is where you are cut and then packed and the idea is that the cut heals from the bottom of the tear. I had lactulose after my op and fybogel which can be bought over the counter in Boots. These do recur and I do have twinges but I have some suppositories to use for the pain. My fissure was not caused by lack of roughage rather the opposite. It was my job when I stood up for over eight hours a day. I hope that you visit your GP soon.

26-12-09, 23:06
Go back to your doctor and let them sort the problem out for you. It's their job and they are well paid for it. Being in pain for any length of time gets you down and can leave you drained. You can't go on like this and shouldn't have to.

Going home
27-12-09, 00:43
You said in your post that the doctor actually examined you properly the second time and said it was definately a fissure, that's because he would have seen the tear quite clearly. He didn't do a rectal exam the first time because he probably just thought it was piles...internal piles are really common too. He also recomended that you change your diet because the cause of the fissure is probably due to the fact that you may not have enough fibre in your gut. If you perhaps only eat white bread and alot of sugary stuff and not enough veggies etc, then this can cause constipation because you're trying to pass hard stools, and after some time these hard stools will tear part of the rectum. Its not serious but its painful and can bleed. It will heal in time and the reason it takes so long to heal is because its like having an open cut inside a moist place. Most cuts need to be kept dry to heal quicker.

If your diet needs improving, then this also could be a reason for your stomach problems too. But in no way is having a fissure connected to prostate cancer, or any other cancer for that matter, so please do not worry about that.

Hope this helps

Going home xx