View Full Version : Would like some support!

25-12-09, 20:43
Hi there,

I am in the middle of a nightmare! I have spent the day feeling lightheaded, with numbness and a feeling of lightness. I have dark circles under my eyes, and I'm convinced I am dying...kidney or liver failure. I have been drinking heavily this past month, my wife has left me and I have two small children. I feel so tired and scared. I have just started on the whiskey, don't know why maybe to make myself worry less???? And sleep...I am scared to go to sleep you see. I keep checking my face in the mirror for signs of yellow eyes, a stroke etc etc. I'm not coping at all well. I'm 34 and otherwise healthy I think, but worried sick about 'departing' early. Any comforting words to help me relax would be gratefully received. I have not been eating properly. I would love to be whisked off to rehab, but that doesn't happen to ordinary people like me does it. HELP!!


25-12-09, 21:45
Hi John

I think you are drinking because you are very hurt, scared and alone.
Drinking to this extent will fuel your anxiety no end hun and you will end up feeling alot worse. I know it's probably a vicious circle and probably only drinking to cope but you seem to becoming dependant on it.

Do you have any support at all? anyone you can talk to?


25-12-09, 22:26
Hey man take it easy i don't think your dying your just going through a bad time your not alone there is help and i think im right in saying the whole site is looking out for you the drink only makes you feel like crap try and stop it is for the best.

26-12-09, 01:28
for the symptoms, I suggest you take a multivitamin and drink lots of water.
Alcohol stops your body from absorbing certain vitamins, and it also dehydrates you.
you are not going to die! you say you've only been drinking heavily for a month.
when you feel able you need to seek support, try a support line, your doctor, a friend, hell you an even check yourself into rehab.
there is help out there you just need to take it .
take care :-)