View Full Version : Red bump (acne-like) on hand?

25-12-09, 21:49
I don't have eczema/acne/allergies, that I'm aware of at least.

But over the past couple of days I've noticed a couple of what look exactly like small red acne-type pimples..but on the back of my middle finger on my right hand.

They are about the size of a pinhead, raised, painless and don't itch. Havn't changed in size but sometimes looks redder than other times.

Rationally I know its nothing, but I get really worried about this kind of thing! Anyone else get them?

fozzy is crying
25-12-09, 22:15
Ring NHS Direct now and tell them about it. I know a bit about this and it could be something or nothing but you need to sort it now not tomorrow. So Ring NHS direct. now. They aree there 24/7 even today.


25-12-09, 23:26
Reading the above comment inspired panic in me - and I'm not even the original poster. This is a community where we're all trying NOT to panic, and I think the above comment could have been worded/intoned in a much more appropriate manner.

The best thing for you to do is to see your doctor when you can. The fingers are commonly irritated, and even in people without eczema, dermatitis can occur from contact with irritants, chemicals, perfume, change in weather, hormones, or even some foods.

I know this is easy to say, but don't panic. Do a search for similar threads on this forum. You will find many.

26-12-09, 01:36
Fozzy I know you are trying to help but by your suggesting it could be something serious, is going to trigger off panic and not comfort.

superstar you'll be fine, see your doctor when you can if you are still worried.

26-12-09, 03:47
I freaked when I read fozzys message aswell. Those little lumps will be nothing. I get so many different marks on me. Could be anything from an insect bite to just plain old skin blemish. Please dont panic. xx