View Full Version : Finally crashed and burned....

26-12-09, 01:06
They say that you have to hit rock bottom before you can start recovering and I think that today was that day. I woke up and freaked as my left eye was blurry for no reason, it lasted about 30 mins and by then I was beside myself - I wanted to go to A&E there and then but for the fear of ruining Xmas for the kids (something my wife was quick to remind me).

Anyway, after spending the day with the family in a robotic mode I suddenly decided I could take no more of this worry and in order to start getting better I had to know that nothing was wrong with me physically. I went to the ER, sat there for 4 hours and finally got seen by the doctor - bloods and Neuro exam all fine but as one pupil was slightly bigger than the other (which it always could of been) he sent me for a CT scan on my brain.

The head doctor check it and gave me the all clear but recommended an eye test.

I feel like I've run a marathon today, I've hardly eaten and have probably aged 10 years but I'm now sipping a brandy to try and calm myself.

26-12-09, 11:20
I have that, I sometimes wake up not being able to see out of my left eye properly or it is blurry. Turns out over time my left eye has become weaker so the pupil is slightly bigger to compensate. I found this out at an eye test. Have one it may be something really simple x

26-12-09, 12:31
I think you did the right thing going to a/e. You should always gets sight problems checked out. You can't always put it down to panic and anxiety. Eye clinics at hospital are full of people waking up with various eye complaints, some minor and others more serious. You did the right thing.

26-12-09, 14:14
I too have problems now and again with my eyes especially on waking and my eyes are one of the biggest things that start me off in panic mode so I totally sympathise with you...My daughter went for an eye examination last year and they found that one pupil was much bigger than the other, she had to see loads of eye specialists and in the end had an MRI as you can imagine my eye phobia and my darling little girl going through all this worry, was so terribly traumatising for us all...In the end the MRI scan came back absolutely normal, the doctor that we saw told me that some people have this naturally in their eye and having one pupil larger is quite common, even showed me pictures of people with it, its nothing to worry about..the blurry eye was probably due to anxiety too...its always my left eye that is worse too...enjoy the rest of your christmas..and above all relax..xx