View Full Version : CT scan

26-12-09, 11:02
Morning everyone, hope you all had a nice Christmas.........I saw the neurologist a few weeks ago and got a ct scan almost two weeks ago........never heard anything so I phoned the hospital on Christmas Eve and spoke to a doctors secretary (not my one) she advd the results would go down south to the doc I saw then he would send a letter to my GP or call me back if required, she said probably to early for the GP to have the results...........Im still stressing about waiting on these results, however do I presume that cause I havent heard anything thats good news, however the doc I saw wasnt from here, Im presuming hes been drafted in to clear 'backlogs' as it was a Sunday Clinic so could it be maybe the results havent got to him yet for any specific reason? I think I should phone my GP after the hols and see if they have any results. Does anyone know anymore about this process?? I got the ct scan quite quick after seeing the neurologist and thought the result process would just flow as quick!!!

Shaz x

26-12-09, 11:15
:hugs:from what i have heard from my reading about MRI and CT scans.
The wait is usualy 2-3 weeks.:blush:
I wish that 'they' would realise the pressure we are under BUT i suppose 'they':blush: must be sure and not rush the result.
Not much help - but i wish you well (do phne doc after the holiday) at least you will feel as if you are doing something:blush:
Best wishes

26-12-09, 15:53
I would bet that your CT is just fine. If they would have found anything wrong, I think they would have contacted your doctor right away. My doctor only calls if something is found. In fact, there is a sign in her office that states that they don't call you if your tests are normal.

I totally understand the fear of waiting to hear test results. I am doing that right now too!

Of course, call you doctor to ease your mind; however, I feel that you will definately receive good news!!

27-12-09, 20:46
Hey June and Corrine, thanks for your replys, yep the waiting is hard (Corinne hope your results are fine).....I think it would have been easier if I had been told by the neurologist what happened with the results however when he said I was to get a scan I asked if it was in the same hospital, he said he didnt know as was not local, however at the end of the day thats not an issue aslong as he was a neurologist lol !!!!

I will wait until this week and phone the GPs office, kinda feels a bit scary doing it that way...also worried that they have tried to contact me by letter but its got lost in the post :-) Okay thats verging on being slightly paranoid lol.;

Shaz x x

27-12-09, 20:56
Since we are from different countries, it's hard to know what the norm is in notifying patients of test results. Here, when we have a mamogram, we get a letter in the mail saying that all is well. If there was a problem, the doctor would be notified and we would get a call.

So I'm thinking you are still fine with the letter notification!

Please post when you find out the good news so I can send up a cheer!

Oh, and thank you for the good wishes about my tests. I'm trying not to even think about it. (Who am I trying to fool?:D)

27-12-09, 23:26
Corinne, I hadnt even noticed the difference with the countries, haha, bad observancy skills lol....I will let you know what happens, good luck with yours x x

07-01-10, 07:36
Morning, well phoned yest and my results were finally in.....the GP phoned me back, said nothing life threatening (he knew i was worried about a tumour) however then went on about some chronic sinus thing, and to go in and see him, also mentioned ENT, I know I should now feel calmer, however I have had sinusitits etc in past and know wot its like and this is not like that, although it all started with head spasms during few weeks of bad flu etc and could explain ear ringing and the fact the nuerologist said it was something that was affecting my nerve endings.

My weird heads are still there but not as constant, which is fab, however they are still there and still really weird......crinkly yuky crawling feeling....so could a sinus condition be doing this?? and the constant ear ringing, naturally it has to be if something has shown in the scan :-(

Corrine, did you get on okay??

Well I now have to get out of bed and get to work in that snowy bad weather.

Shaz x x

07-01-10, 11:05
Hi Shaz,
Im glad your results were ok, and that you are a little more reassuranced now. I dont really know anything about sinuses as ive personally never suffered with it, but im sure others have and will help you out on that. But i just wanted to say im so glad that the results were good.

Take care

Love Debs xx

08-01-10, 22:48
Hi folks, back again, I went to see the GP today and he explained I have thickening in the sinus's below the eyes, in the forehead and at the nose, however this wouldnt cause the weird heads Im getting at the area Im getting them, aaaggghhh, back to square one :-( x x

08-01-10, 23:14
The best news is "nothing life threatening."

My older daughter has very problematic sinuses. She has even had surgery on them. She has seen top neurologists and they say nothing else can be done except more surgery. She refused that. Now she has to be referred to a pain clinic. I know that sinuses can cause a boat load of trouble in your head. A lot of your head feelings could be referred from the sinuses to other areas in your head.

Did the doctor give you antibiotics to maybe clear up an infection that wasn't shown on film?

My app't isn't until the 21st. They moved it up a whole five days. Whoopee. All I know is that the blood came back fine. Still don't know about the 24 hour test, which is the one that is worrying me. Honestly, I think I need a sleep study. Thank you for asking!

09-01-10, 00:04
Hi Corinne, no I didnt get antibiotics but Im not showing any symptoms of infection in the sinus;s..I did ask about deferred pain, he basically said no but I agree with you, it could be possible........I have to go back to GP in a monthts time/

I hope your results are all fine, thats good your bloods were fine.

Shaz x x