View Full Version : Feeling really dizzy and anxious

anx mum
26-12-09, 13:20
Really dont know whats happening with me lately should b happy my mri come bk normal just feel so awful feel really dizzy when i move around really scaring me just wish i felt well:weep:

26-12-09, 13:25
hi bev hope your day wasnt to bad for you yesterday , im feeling really dizzy today and feeling really sick and im off to my sisters soon for the rest of the day , i know how your feeling its never ending we must catch up soon though

26-12-09, 13:57
:hugs:dizziness come from hyperventilation:ohmy:
We are so tight and tense that we cannot take proper breaths - usually we manage OK but now our brains are going at 100 miles an hour -
have we got this ??
have we bought that??
have we got enough??etc etc
and we wonder why we are dizzy???
SLOW down.
best wishes

anx mum
26-12-09, 16:11
Thanks june yeah feels like i havnt got enough air sometimes hate feeling like this just want 2 b well for my boys.

magpie girl
26-12-09, 17:54
hi bev sorry to hear ur still not well, today ive felt really dizzy sort of like a hangover even though i dont drink.I felt a bit breathless as if my lungs are not filling with air,i sat with my back against a cold wall which did seem to help and calmed me down a little. Are your headaches still there mine have come back again i just wonder if its the stress of them