View Full Version : Anxiety is stopping me eating.

Granny Primark
26-12-09, 16:10
For the last 4 weeks ive been feeling really anxious over something stupid.
I havent been eating at all. Nothing! ive been pretending im eating. i.e buying a box of 2 cakes, then throwing 1 cake in the bin so my hubby thinks ive had a cake while hes been at work. Ive now got to the stage where I cant even stand the smell of food.
I found myself on the bathroom floor on Thursday. Id fainted.
I know I need to eat but I really cant. Im even being sick when I drink water.
Has anyone got any suggestions what I can do to get my appettite back?
My family are really worried.
I was a care worker for years so I really should know better.
Im not no where near so anxious at the moment but I just still cant eat.:shrug:

26-12-09, 16:28
Hi, it sounds like you've got an aversion to food, your brain thinks it's poisoning you. If you can't drink anything either though, that's a bad situation to be in and you need medical help so you don't become dehydrated. I have a lot of issues with food, sometimes I feel like I really can't eat. Go to a doctor and see if they'll prescribe you something to stop you feeling/being sick, like stemetil. This should reassure your mind that it's ok to eat and drink something. Then take it really slowly, sip water, then try to move onto some kind of drink with sugar in, like diluted fruit juice, to give you energy. Try drinking through a straw. Also try to concentrate on something else rather than focusing on the fact that you're trying to eat. After fruit juice, try soft foods, like soup, yoghurt or stewed apple (apple sauce). Anything you do eat is progress and once you've got to a point where you can drink alright, you'll be doing ok healthwise. Not being able to keep water down is a serious medical problem though so if this continues, seek medical help :hugs:

26-12-09, 16:29
Hi Lynn,

Your body is like a machine so you've really got to refuel it by eating!! Do you feel like drinking at all? There are supplements you can drink if you've lost your appetite. I really feel for you though because eating is part of life and if you've lost the pleasure of this then I'd talk to your doctor. I'm the opposite - I eat more when I'm anxious - I wish I was somewhere in between!! I hope you feel better soon.
Myra x:hugs:

26-12-09, 16:33
Please go and see your doctor about this. It is most likely anxiety causing this, but you will get really run-down if you carry on like this. Even just talking about the "stupid" thing that is making you anxious to someone will probably make an enormous difference to you.

Please look after yourself, you are worth it.

Granny Primark
27-12-09, 08:35
Thanks for your replies.
Daft as it may seem my hubby seems to think that eating chocolate will help!
He stood watching me last night and made me eat 3 maltesers!
When he comes home from work tonight he said ive got eat 6 and drink some milk.
Bless the old codger! lol
Ive always had eating probs so hes used to it but hes never known me be this bad.

27-12-09, 12:05
Aww, your husband sounds so nice. It's good to have someone like this helping you along. I hope you get your appetite back again bit by bit.

27-12-09, 14:34
You're not alone. This happened to me as well when I was going through more severe anxiety. Luckily, it passed quickly. Everytime I ate I'd get soo nauseated to the point where I had no appitite. But you NEED to eat. You don't want to suffer health problems too. Plus, I think that supplying your body with nutrients HELPS the anxiety a lot. Try light things at first, like fruits, vegetables and toast. And make sure you're taking vitamins. Next, relax. Try some yoga and deep breathing. It helps a lot . You CAN and WILL overcome this. Keep that in your mindset. Good luck!


magic girl
27-12-09, 20:59
im having the same problem with eating at the momement my doctor told me to eat small amounts little and often but im finding tht hard,are you taking anything for you anxiety if so it might need adjusting so please speak to your doctor and in the mean time let your lovely hubby help you,i wish my hubby was so supportive:D:D

27-12-09, 22:36
I lost about 2st in weight, over the first 6/7 weeks after my latest anxiety problem started. Probably more to do with me not eating the usual rubbish that I do, but I did just completely lose my appetite. Survived on soup, small sandwiches and bananas. Not ideal I know, but better than nothing.

Try and eat little and often if you can - even if you have to make yourself. Hang on in there!

28-12-09, 10:57
how is it going granny primark?

are you getting a little better. I know exactly how feel...I am sitting here struggling with one weetabix..

Granny Primark
28-12-09, 14:13
Still struggling but manage eat some banana today.
Im going try a cuppa soup later.